Page 35 of The Alien Scientist

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Garin groaned and shied away from the pushing. “What are you doing?”

“Roll over, Garin. Go to sleep.”

Garin wrinkled his nose and rolled in the direction Sazahk pushed him, right into the familiar texture and warmth of the sleeping bag. He groaned in relief and burrowed into the fabric.

“There you go. Sleep it off.”

“Sazahk.” Garin reached out blindly as the darkness of an unnatural exhaustion descended on him.

“I’m right here. I’ll keep watch, don’t worry.” Soft fingers tangled with Garin’s and tucked Garin’s hand back into the warmth of the blankets. “Your body needs to recover from its ordeal. Go to sleep, Garin.”

Garin couldn’t have disobeyed if he’d tried.

Chapter Seven

The second Garin’s breathing leveled into the soft snores of deep sleep, Sazahk rushed for the cover of a large boulder, undoing his pants as he stumbled in the murky dark. He was too cautious to take the privacy of hiding behind it, guilty enough for leaving Garin exposed in his vulnerable state even this much.

But by the goddess, he couldn’t be quiet and he didn’t dare risk being any closer. He sank his teeth into the meat of his left thumb to stifle his cry as he pulled his cock out and fisted it.

Goddess, he’d never imagined how responsive Garin would be. The sounds of his moans ringing in the caves played in Sazahk’s mind as he stroked himself. He’d begged for Sazahk’s touch, squirming and whimpering. So strong, so confident, so vulnerable, and so willing to put himself entirely in Sazahk’s hands.

Sazahk pulled himself roughly, his own orgasm rushing toward him after his bitter fight to hold it back as he’d pleasured Garin. He stared through the dark at Garin’s sleeping figure, so sated, so exhausted, so satisfied after Sazahk had taken care of him. He’d been so beautiful, he’d sounded so incredible, his smell of pure sex, and his taste?—

Sazahk came with a sob muffled against the flesh of his hand. He spurted his release into the dirt at the base of a mushroom and a few drops landed on the cap, causing it to light up at the contact.

That was interesting. There were a lot of things that were interesting. A lot of tests to run, a lot of experiments to conduct. But he didn’t care about any of it.

Sazahk dragged himself back to Garin and dropped to the ground at his side.

For all the fascinating things all around him, the only thing that interested him was the human man sleeping soundly beside him.

Sazahk wanted to know if he was always that vocal.

He wanted to know if he only liked to be filled with one finger or if he liked more. How many more could he take? The scars littered across his body spoke of a high pain tolerance. He could probably take Sazahk’s entire hand, but what did he enjoy?

And what sounds would he make if Sazahk used his tongue instead of his fingers?

Did he always fall asleep after sex? Did he like to cuddle after coitus? And if he did, did he like to be cuddled or to be the cuddler? Did he drink klak or coffee? Did he put cream and sugar in his morning beverage, or did he take it black? Did he read in the mornings? At night? Both? Never?

Sazahk leaned back against a rock and buried his face in his hands.

He didn’t know if he’d done the right thing.

He thought he had. Garin had needed help, Sazahk had evaluated the options for relieving Garin’s suffering, and he had presented the option with the greatest chance of success. Then, with Garin’s permission, he’d executed. And he’d been right!

It was all so logical and defensible and yet…Sazahk had thought certain actions in his past logical, defensible, and moral, and some people had violently disagreed with him. Violently enough that Sazahk wondered sometimes, privately, in the deep recess of his mind, in the dark, by himself, if they were right and he had been the wrong one.

Maybe he had been wrong then and maybe he was wrong again. Maybe he really had hurt people and maybe now he’d hurt Garin.

Sazahk lifted his head and watched Garin sleep.

Even if Sazahk had done the right thing, for science and for the man, he hadn’t needed to go so far. He hadn’t needed to put his mouth on him. The selfish moment of weakness had come on too strong and too fast for Sazahk to fight against. He’d wanted—he’d needed—to get his mouth on Garin’s skin and when he’d caught a whiff of the musk emanating from the base of Garin’s cock, he’d been unable to resist the desire.

But Sazahk didn’t think he had the excuse of fungal spores.

Sazahk wrapped his arms around himself to ward off the chill, flatly refusing to slide into the sleeping bag beside Garin after what had just happened.

Sazahk’s arousal hadn’t begun until Garin had looked at him with his blown pupils and parted lips, lust radiating from his skin. It had spiraled out of control from there. Which was new for Sazahk, who rarely felt sexual attraction beyond a vague interest in the act for its physiological benefits. It was as new as the gooey ball of affection lodged at the base of Sazahk’s throat.

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