Page 10 of Two Pucking Grooms

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I passed to him and he immediately shot. The puck flew towards the net, and time seemed to slow down. The goalie lunged, but the puck sailed past his glove, hitting the back of the net.

My chest tightened as the arena erupted in cheers.

We had taken the lead with just over a minute left.

My teammates surrounded Joe, celebrating.

But the game wasn’t over yet.

We had to hold this lead.

We lined up for the faceoff, adrenaline pumping. I won the draw again, sending the puck to Roman. He passed to Strelow, who played it safe, dumping it deep into the offensive zone.

The opposing team’s defenseman retrieved the puck, but Joe was on him. He passed it back to me, and I sent it to Sloan. He took another shot, but it was blocked, the puck bouncing to the boards.

The other team regained control and started their attack. They moved quickly, desperate to tie the game again. Their center carried the puck into our zone, but Strelow and Roman were ready. Strelow checked him hard into the boards, and Roman picked up the loose puck.

Roman passed to me as I started up the ice. I skated hard, the ice flying by as I felt the seconds tick away. I passed to Joe, who sent it back to Roman. The crowd was on their feet, the noise deafening.

With thirty seconds left, the Yetis made a final push. But their plan didn’t work. Chaos erupted as everyone scrambled for the puck.

I dove into the fray, fighting for control. The puck shot to Sloan, who cleared it out of the zone.

Ten seconds left on the clock.

The other team regained the puck and made one last desperate attempt. Their center carried it into our zone, but Roman intercepted a pass and cleared it down the ice.

The final buzzer sounded, and the arena exploded.

We had won.

I threw my stick into the air, excitement and relief flooding my body.

My teammates rushed to me, and we embraced in a tight huddle, thoughts of contracts and every other stress a distant memory.

I scanned the crowd, finding Em and Bardot, their eyes locked on me, smiles plastered on their faces, their hands linked.

My heart swelled.

This victory wasn’t just for the team, but for everyone who had supported us, believed in us.

We skated around the ice, celebrating with the fans, sharing this incredible moment as the Yeti fans filed out.

Lightning, Strelow, Roman, Joe, Sloan, and I had done it. We had fought hard, and we had won.

We were carried off the ice to the locker room where drinks flowed and victory music blared. I took a moment to sit back, the reality of our win sinking in. My body ached, but it was a good pain, a reminder of the battle we had fought and won.

Strelow came over, pulling me into a bone-crushing hug. “We did it, man!”

I grinned from ear to ear and clapped his back. “We sure did.”

Lightning and Roman joined us, raising their bottles in a toast.

“To the champs!” Roman said, his eyes shining.

“To the champs,” we echoed, clinking our bottles together.

My eyes drifted to the corner of the room where Em stood, filming the scene for our internet fans to take part in the celebration. The soft smile on her face sent an ache of longing through me and I handed Strelow my glass.

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