Page 9 of Two Pucking Grooms

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All I wanted to do was marry the loves of my life. I wanted to stand up in front of anyone who would witness me proclaim to the world that Emily Avery and Sebastian Bardot were mine. Now and forevermore, their souls were entwined with mine. They had me thinking sappy, poetic shit like that and I was reaching a boiling point of keeping that love contained. Eloping sounded more and more appealing with every passing day and every bit of bad news.

I had been right. Em’s face had fallen because the caterer had called to let us know her sister announced her wedding for…drum roll please…the same day as our wedding. We’d be getting our full deposit back, which was great since I didn’t know if I had a job in the fall, but the news made Bash scramble.

He tried to convince us he could cater the whole thing. I didn’t want that, though. His food was orgasmic, but I wanted him focused on the wedding. I wanted him refreshed and doted on, so I could devour him on our wedding night. With the way our sex life was going, I was holding onto the promise of that night with everything in me.

Spooning Pink all night was heaven, but the half-chub I had been sporting all day wasn’t doing anything to help me get my head in the game.

Strelow burst into the locker room, ripping my thoughts away from a fantasy where I tracked Em down and threw her into the shower with Bardot, where I watched them go at each other until I joined in.

“What’s up your ass?”

Strelow glanced up for a second and shook his head. “I’m stressed, Savage. There’s so much riding on this damn game.”

His stress focused me. He was older than me, and this could be one of his last chances at the cup. All the other noise faded to the back of my mind, and I clasped his shoulder.

“We’re winning tonight.”

The roar of the crowd vibrated through my bones, and I sucked in a sharp breath.

The scoreboard read 2-2, with three minutes left in the period.

This was it.

The final push.

The moment that determined whether we made it to game seven.

The Yetis had gotten cocky in this final period. If they got in our heads, they won. If not, they still had another shot in a couple of days. We had to win. I couldn’t stand to watch their mascot—a bumbling, towering pile of snow named Blizzard—skate around our arena.

This was our turf.

I skated to the center, heart pounding in my ears, eyes locked on the puck about to drop.

My team surrounded me. My wingmen, Joe and Sloan, were ready to take off. Strelow and Roman were behind us, ready to fend off the Yetis if they got too close. Lightning was at his place in front of the net.

We were ready.

I didn’t have to look at my teammates to know we all had the same thought.


The puck dropped, and I snapped into action, winning the faceoff and sending it back to Roman. He quickly passed it to Strelow, who scanned the ice and sent the puck to Joe.

Joe took off, weaving through the defense with his incredible agility. I stayed close, anticipating his moves.

Joe passed to me as a Yeti defender closed in. I dodged left, then right, slipping past him. Another defender was on me instantly, but I passed to Sloan, who took a powerful slapshot.

The puck soared toward the goal, but their goalie made a spectacular save.

The puck was loose, and both teams scrambled. I skated hard, reaching the puck first and chipping it back to Strelow at the blue line. He fired a quick shot, but it was blocked by a defender.

Roman recovered the puck and passed it back to me as we regrouped. I took it into the offensive zone, my mind racing with the possibilities. The energy of my teammates coursed through me, all of us driven by the same desire to win.

I passed to Joe, who was streaking down the left side. He dodged a check and sent the puck back to me. I saw Sloan open and passed to him. He wound up to take another shot, but the puck was blocked again. This time, it deflected to Roman, who quickly passed to Strelow.

Strelow skated forward and faked a shot, drawing a defender away from the goal, and passed back to me.

I had a clear shot at the goal, but their goalie was ready. I hesitated for a split second, then saw Joe breaking free on the left side.

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