Page 49 of Juicy

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Chapter 29


What does a hot dog use for protection?


I knew this was a bad idea.

We’ve been standing here for thirty minutes, and she still hasn’t shown up, and she probably won’t.

We’re just wasting our time, and I want to go home.

It figures the first time I ever finally give in to my feelings for a girl that it all goes to shit, and she kicks me to the curb.

Karma’s a bitch.

“Are we really going to wait here for much longer?” I sigh, feeling like an idiot as we wait outside of the quirky bookshop where we first met her.

“Give it ten more minutes, then we’ll leave. Maybe she got held up, or maybe she changed her mind about going on a date,” Jacob says, but his nervous shuffling gives way to how much this is really affecting him.


A white car pulls up beside us on the sidewalk, and a fuming Cherry emerges from it.

“What the fuck are you all doing here!” she shouts, slamming the car door behind her.

Maybe this was a bad idea. Nope, it was definitely a bad idea.

“We just need you to hear us out,” Brad says, stepping into her space and pulling her into his arms, “God, I missed you.”

“You’re late,” I scowl, holding myself back from doing the same.

“I had the police come over,” she huffs, pulling away from Brad.

“Was there an update on who did it?” Braylen asks.

“Yeah, some guy called Lucas Cartwright.”


“What?” Me, Brad, Cherry, and Jacob all say at the same time.

“That’s my assistant. Have they arrested him?” Braylen asks her, but there’s no emotion on his face. In fact, he looks like he couldn’t give a fuck.

Cherry stares at him, her arms crossing over her chest, closing herself off from us. “They have.”

“Good. I’ll make a call later to make sure he gets what he deserves. Now, will you please hear us out?” his voice softens, as well as his facial features.

“Fine. Shall we go somewhere else?” She looks around at the people passing by, no doubt not wanting more of our business being out there for everyone around here to gossip about.

“My bar? It’s literally just down the street,” Brad suggests, and we all follow his lead as we walk there.

Cherry walks next to me, and the sweet smell of her perfume and the soft feel of her hand skimming against mine as we walk is more than I can bear.

I link my fingers with hers, holding my breath while I wait for her to rip her hand from mine, but she doesn’t, and I feel like I can breathe again for the first time this week.

“Welcome to my humble abode,” Brad says, his arm wide open as we enter his bar. “Take a seat over there. I’m going to get some drinks.”

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