Page 50 of Juicy

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“Please. I’m in desperate need of one,” Cherry says.

A moment later, he reappears with two bottles of tequila in his hands and slams them on the wooden table in front of us. “Drink first, then talk.”

“Don’t have to tell me twice,” I say, uncapping one of the bottles and taking a large swig.

Jacob follows suit, and we pass the bottle around the table, the alcohol warming our veins and giving us the courage we need for the conversation ahead.

“I’m sorry,” Cherry starts. “I shouldn’t have shut you all out, but it’s not been the best week for me.”

“No, you shouldn’t have, but we’ll punish you for that later. Right now, we want to make sure you are okay,” Braylen says, his hand reaching over the table to cover her hand.

“I’m fine, just overwhelmed,” she mutters.

“And what are you thinking about us?” I ask, needing her to put me out of my misery.

Cherry pauses, and I swear there’s a mischievous twinkle in her eye.

“I was on my way here for a date – a date I’m assuming you set up?”

“You would be correct,” Braylen says proudly.

“Right, of course,” she laughs. “I wasn’t excited, and a part of me didn’t want to be here at all.”

“So what does that mean?”

“It means I’m sorry for throwing you out, and I’m sorry for ignoring you all week,” she says, her eyes fixated on the wooden table.

“You don’t need to apologize for that,” Jacob says, his arm going around her and pulling her into his side. “I’m just glad you are sitting here right now and didn’t run in the opposite direction the moment you saw us.”

She goes willingly, her body losing the last of the tension she was holding, and sinks into his embrace.

“So what about us?” she asks us all.


We all shuffle out of the booth and stand in front of a worried-looking Cherry.



“My love…”


We all sink to one knee in front of her. The sticky floor beneath is not a deterrent to what we are about to ask her.

“We know it’s only been a week, but we want you now and forever,” Braylen says. “You had me at microwave cheese sandwiches.”

“You had me the moment I tasted how sweet you are,” I say.

“You had me from the moment I saw you,” Jacob says, grinning at her.

“And you had me from when you ignored me,” Brad says with a chuckle, “in this very bar, actually.”

Braylen pulls the big diamond ring from his pocket that we got from the jewelers.

“Are you all actually proposing right now?” She squeals, standing from her spot and striding over to stand in front of us.

“We are. What’s your answer?”

“Yes! Oh my god, yes!”

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