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“Please don’t call me that.”

Violet steps closer and touches my scar again. “You’re a hero. Admit it.”

But I feel uncomfortable with that whole idea. I like the fact that Violet is stepping closer to me again. I bend down and speak close to her ear. “Just tell me what you think once you’ve had the chance to think about that whole relationship thing. I’d love to… be your boyfriend.”

Violet wraps her arms around my neck, but she doesn’t say anything. I know at this point that I just have to prove I’m committed but also let her have her space to think.

“Oh,” Violet suddenly jumps away from me like I’ve stung her, and I realize that her mom has somehow entered the kitchen without me hearing.

“I’m not even here,” Caroline attempts to wave her hand while hobbling on her crutches. “Just making some tea.”



Iwake up the next morning with Jay’s suggestion still whirling through my head. I take my time brushing through my thick, red hair and staring at my tired eyes in the mirror. I feel the same wave of nausea again, and I lean against the sink as the weakness passes through me.

“This doesn’t make sense,” I mutter. But I think I know in my heart of hearts what is happening. It’s the reason I drove to the pharmacy yesterday and bought the pregnancy test. But I didn’t have the courage to open it and use it last night. I didn’t want Jay to see anything in the trash can and start asking questions.

Even now, I don’t want to take the test. If it’s positive, I’ll have to face the truth. I’ll have to deal with the fact that my life will be forever changed in one way or another.

But if I truly had the flu, I would have started feeling worse the night after spending time with Hannah. After running errands yesterday, I would have had a fever or… something other than this strange nausea and exhaustion.

I think about where the pregnancy test is stuffed into the nightstand’s drawer. I should take it, but… I’ll just get a cup of coffee first. I know that I’m putting things off, but I don’t want to deal with real life right now. I just want some coffee and maybe to close my eyes for another few minutes.

I head downstairs to find my mom in the kitchen, already sipping her coffee. She looks up and gives me a warm smile. “Morning, Vi.”

“Morning, Mom,” I reply, grabbing a mug and pouring myself some coffee. I lean against the counter, staring into the dark liquid, my mind racing. I can’t say anything. I have to act normal. “How did you sleep?” I ask, feeling my mom’s prying eyes on me.

“Oh, not bad. The pain medication is really helping now. I think I’m just going to continue taking it every eight hours and not try to stretch to twelve anymore.”

I nod absentmindedly, busying myself with adding cream and sugar to my coffee.

“Everything okay?” she asks. I know the tone. She wants to have a talk. I don’t know what it could be about, but I don’t want to talk to her right now. Suddenly, I really want to head upstairs.

I force a smile. “Yeah, just thinking about stuff. The fall festival and everything.”

She nods, but her gaze lingers on me a moment longer than usual. “Well, if you need to talk, you know I’m here.”

I nod, taking a sip of my coffee. “Thanks, Mom. I’m just going to head upstairs and get ready. Is… Jay here?”

“He was heading out when I saw him earlier. He said something about some errands before heading to the bar. Do you need him for anything?”

“No.” My answer comes a little too sharply, too quickly. “Just curious.”

I practically scurry upstairs and shut the bathroom door behind me, leaving me alone with my pregnancy test. I’ve been delaying this moment, too scared to face the possibility. Ever since I started feeling badly at Hannah’s house, I’ve suspected. But I keep hoping my period will make an appearance.

Now, I need to know.

I go through the motions, checking the test instructions at least four times to make sure I’m doing it correctly.

After what feels like an eternity, the little screen changes. My hands tremble, and I sink to the floor, staring at the little plus sign.

Pregnant. I’m pregnant.

The realization hits me hard. All the symptoms I’ve been experiencing—the nausea, the fatigue—it all makes sense now. What does this mean for me? For my life? The baby is obviously Jay’s. I distinctly remember having a regular period not long before coming to Maplewood.

How in the hell am I going to tell him?

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