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“Not me, but it’s a good surprise.” I grab a rag and start wiping down the counter.

“What do you mean?”

“I mean, look at us. A few weeks ago, we were arguing over everything. Now, we’re practically... friends.”

Violet raises an eyebrow, clearly amused. “Friends?”

“Okay, maybe that’s not the right title. But we’re definitely getting along better.”

She nods, a thoughtful expression on her face. “Yeah, I guess we are. It’s kind of nice, isn’t it?”

“It is. And it makes me think...”

“Think what?” she asks, turning to face me fully.

I take a deep breath, choosing my words carefully. “It makes me think about what a real relationship with you might look like. You know, something more than just friends with benefits.”

Her eyes widen slightly, and for a moment, I worry I’ve said too much. But then she nods slowly, considering my words.

“What do you think it would look like?” she asks, and I catch something vulnerable in her tone.

I wave my hand around the kitchen. “I think it would look like this. Cooking lunch together, talking, solving problems without arguing. I think it would look like supporting each other, being there for each other. Plus, all the usual benefits.” I wink.

“You really think we could do that?”

“I do. I think we’ve come a long way, and I think we can keep moving forward. Together.”

She looks down, her cheeks flushing slightly. “It sounds nice. Scary, but nice.”

“Yeah, it does, but I think it’s worth trying.”

“I just… I don’t know.”

“What don’t you know?” I reach for her and pull her close to me. I don’t know where her mother is right now, but it’s not like I’m ripping Violet’s clothes off. I just want to kiss her, and I don’t care who sees.

“I don’t know if I’m… a relationship with you is…” But she can’t seem to finish any of her thoughts.

I sigh and let go, disappointed. I get it. I have a reputation. It’s not the kind of reputation I want, but all of my previous relationships have been a bust. Then, it’s like the women get together and talk about how they can try to ruin my life.

I definitely have a reputation as a bad boy, but I’m really not.

But Violet doesn’t let me skulk away. She steps closer to me again and leans forward. Her thumb brushes my chin. “You’ve had this scar forever, but you’ve never told me where it came from.”

The feel of her thumb on my chin is enough to make my body start responding to her. I’m as horny as a teenage boy. I wait as she pushes into my scar before letting go. “Will you tell me the story?”

I don’t want to talk about it, but if Violet is asking me to talk about myself, and I refuse, then that’s not really sending the message that I’m ready for a real relationship.

So, I stop refusing. “I got it in high school. That’s why you remember it. You probably saw it when it was fresh and red, not like it is now.”

Violet’s eyes drop to my chin again before moving back up to my face.

“There were some bullies at our school. They were picking on some kid who was too weak to defend himself, so I stepped in.” I shrug, uncomfortable with the story.

“But how did that mark get there?”

“One of the guys punched me in the jaw. He was wearing one of those class rings, and it cut me pretty good. I had to get two stitches. They got expelled two weeks before graduation, though.” I grin because I still think it was the best thing that could have happened to them. Karma.

Violet smiles softly at me. “So, you’re kind of a hero.”

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