Page 30 of Breaking the Girl

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And my wrists and ankles. They’re sore. I try to shake it out. Can’t.

I’m restricted.

My wrists are tied by a rope, judging by the rugged texture. They’re pressed together and over my head, immovable. My ankles have the same rough feel of a rope around them. They’re not pressed together, though. They’re bound to a bar, positioned so my legs are spread apart.

A crazed laugh bubbles at my throat, followed by a sob. Another crazed laugh. Another sob.

Oh, please, no. No, no, no.

This has to be some big misunderstanding. A mind-fuck that has to do with alcohol and dehydration.

My dream was a dream. No way could it have been anything else.

Deep inhale. Deep exhale.

Oh, no. I have to stop. For some strange reason, deep breathing makes me sleepier.

Sleeping is a luxury I can’t afford at the moment.

Fight, Leighton!

I blink away the drowsiness.

That helps so much better than the deep breaths.

Where the hell am I?

At Rylan’s home. I have to be. Maybe this whole tying-up thing is a some sort of a sick joke. Maybe I’m in the basement? I don’t remember ever looking at the ceiling there. It could be it.

When I look to the right, I’ll see her there. I know I will.

We don’t prank each other, but it could be a payback for flirting with her dad.

That’s fine. I’ve earned it.

I’m still scared of her, though. Warily, I twist my head to the side.

She’s not there. She’s not fucking there.

But I’m not alone.

Her dad is here.

Marcus Kingston is lying next to me. The moonlight filtering through the large glass walls is enough for me to make out his face in the dark. Asleep and wearing nothing but boxer briefs. He’s hard too. In his sleep.

Wait, what am I wearing?

It doesn’t feel like I have anything on. I don’t want to believe it though, so I check. My eyes slide down my body, and I get my confirmation. Other than my bikini bottoms, I am, indeed, naked.

I’ve wanted this for ages.

Being in bed with him. Waking up to his handsome face. Resting my head on his broad chest and snuggling into his strong body. He’d grip my wrist and force my hand to his cock and teach me how to jerk him off just the way he likes it.

That’s what I had in mind when I dreamed about mornings with him.

I didn’t dream of waking up in the middle of the night. Not this.

Definitely not this.

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