Page 29 of Breaking the Girl

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“They’re heavy, aren’t they?”

“Yes,” she murmurs behind the gag, her eyelids droopy.

“You’re about to fall asleep, little doll.” The kinder suggestion works better than a command, and her eyes flutter shut altogether. “A conscious sleep. You’ll feel everything. Experience everything. But you won’t be able to move.”


There’s one last thing I have to tell her before I carry her inside.

Her trigger word, now that her mind is susceptible to a stronger suggestion.

“Remember this. When I say moon, you fall asleep. When I snap my fingers, you wake up. Now, let’s get you home.”

There’ll be time to fuck around with Leighton’s head.

Later, I’ll mess it up. Later, I’ll fix the mess. Later, I will be the one to create a safe space for her up there. Me.





My eyes fly open. It’s as if I’ve had caffeine injected into my veins.

Another odd feeling on top of the fucked-up dream I’ve just had. The nightmare from hell.

I stood in Marcus and Rylan’s garage when a sedative was shot into my neck. Then I woke up gagged, I think?

What is this? I’m drooling? Yes. My mouth is open. That’s why I dreamed of being gagged.

Makes sense.

It doesn’t gross me out. It didn’t gross me out to drool because of my gag, either. I was afraid, yes, but also turned on.

I’m sick. I hope I haven’t mumbled anything in my sleep. Rylan would think I’m fucked in the head.

Maybe I have. Maybe she’s lying next to me right now and waiting for me to slip up again. If she’s up and asks about it, I’ll just tell her I can’t help my dreams.

Because it was a dream, right? Had to have been.

I’m safe at the Kingstons’ home. They have alarms in place. Neither Rylan nor Marcus would ever hurt me.

Did Rylan and I drink yesterday? Did I black out? I mean, maybe? My head pounds. This has to be the world’s worst hangover ever.


When I’m hungover, I can still close my mouth. I can still move my arms and legs.

I open my eyes. Stare at the ceiling.

I’m not at the Kingstons’.

Another wave of nausea strikes.

My jaw aches as well. Kind of like that time I chewed on gum from morning to night during midterms.

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