Page 94 of Voltage

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“Otherwise.” Killian’s forefinger was raised, silencing me. “We’ll be just like the rest of them. They’ll sniff it out. What would happen then?”

“They’ll turn on us, then run off somewhere else,” I growled. “The cowards.”

“Correct. You’re a clever boy, Carter.” His approval washed over me, warm and strange and addictive. “This internship won’t be easy, even for a smart young man like you. These people are savages. Not to mention all the knowledge I have to pass on to you. You’ll still go to school, make no mistake. The rest of the time you’ll spend here. You won’t sleep much. Your social life will be nonexistent. Then, at eighteen, if you’re ready—”

“I motherfucking will be.” Mirroring his stance, I leaned forward, my forearms resting on the desk. “You know I will.”

“I hope so.” He didn’t scold me for cussing, continuing as if I didn’t breathe fire and swear in his office. “Then, I’ll make you an official partner here. An owner. Would you like that?”

My eyebrows shot up. “When do we start?”

His lips quirked in an evil smirk. “You start by shadowing one of our housekeepers for three hours. Natalie. That’s how interns start. From the bottom. When you’re done, come find me, and we’ll go from there.”

I agreed right away. Didn’t give him the I’m too good for this shit manifesto.

Kids cried like little bitches. I wasn’t no fucking kid anymore.

I was a man.

And here I am, years later. His equal.

His partner.

“Always something to do.” He beckons me to come in.

I don’t.

His words are loaded. His words could imply he’s regretting this evening.

Fuck that.

Reminding him we aren’t wrong, I stroke my abs and play with the waistband of his sweats I’m wearing, steering him in the right direction.

His eyes go down there for a second too long before he cuts them to mine. He doesn’t look flustered. Jaw strong, gaze intense. “Come inside. Shut the door behind you.”

He gives me nothing. Noncommittal as always. A walking, talking mindfuck. It’s the one trait he couldn’t ingrain in me. I wear my crazy on my sleeve. He hides his. Religiously.

“Sure.” I do as he says, lowering myself on the leather armchair in front of him.

“Not there.” Killian surprises me by getting up, motioning with his head to the couch, while arranging his sweatpants. “Over there. I believe you came here to talk. Let’s talk.”

Knots twist my stomach now that we’re actually doing this.

He’s right. I came here for answers. I came here for clarity.

Might as well get it over with.



If Carter had a kryptonite, it’d be heart-to-heart talks. I’ve avoided them for years for his benefit. Never pressed him for a reaction after I told him his mother’s tragic story.

The concept of opening up about my feelings isn’t something I’m looking forward to, either. Unfortunately, it’s not like we have a choice. This situation isn’t one we can dance around. We can’t fuck, sleep together, and then what? Hope for the best?

I haven’t survived in this business for years by leaving things to chance.

“About the three of us,” I start, leaving it hanging in the air, studying him.

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