Page 95 of Voltage

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His agitation is a living, breathing thing. He chews and sucks on the inside of his cheek. Clenches his fists in his lap. He sits on the couch as I instructed, but he might as well have been hopping from one wall to another.

“We’re happening,” he snaps. He and I are on either side of the couch, and yet it’s like he said it in my ear. His demand is silent, determined. “Don’t fucking lie to me. Don’t say you’re not in.”

My eyebrows shoot up my forehead. This fucking ki—guy. Never stops surprising me. “Carter—”

“Don’t fucking Carter me.” He points an accusing finger in my direction. “You don’t get to be a fucking coward.”

“Watch your mouth.”

His cursing doesn’t bother me. His attitude does. I’ve been treating him like an adult for years now. This adolescent shit won’t fly. Whether we’re fucking each other or not.

Whether I…

Never mind.

“Sorry.” His unruly hair parts when his fingers rake through it. “Yeah, you’re my stepdad. Yes, some people think you’re my dad.” He rolls his eyes. “They’ll judge us for that. They’ll come for us the day we come out with this. Target Amara. If they find out about it. I’m aware. Doesn’t matter. We’re doing this. I’m not letting go of what we started this evening.”

His speech gives me pause. This isn’t going how I thought it would.

I was going to suggest the three of us ease our way into this. Let them get used to me. While I answered emails earlier, my mind wandered to the two people in my bed. Tonight was on my mind, then our future.

At no point did I expect them to jump into a relationship headfirst. Wanted it, sure. Didn’t expect it to happen. Not this soon.

“You talked about this with Amara?” I cross my arms on my chest, defensively. I can’t fucking help it. I hate uncertainties. Hate opening my heart up. Goddamn loathe this…weakness.

“Don’t need to.” He scowls. Where I’m skeptical, Carter drives right through any obstacle in his way. Any obstacle other than telling Amara about our hotel, I suspect. “I can tell she’s in.”

I cock my head to the side, eyeing him skeptically.

“Listen, I know Amara.” He scoots closer.

Electricity buzzes through me at the contact of our knees. I grind my teeth. My biceps flex. Now, I’m the one nervous. Fucking spectacular.

“This thing she and I have, it’s important to her. Just as much as it’s important to me. I would never cheat on her, and she wouldn’t cheat on me. Before you say anything, she sure as shit is not bored.” He dips his chin, giving me a meaningful glare. “I work hard so that won’t happen.”

He stops there. I don’t say a word. I need more than that.

“What I’m trying to say is, being with us is more than just sex for her. For some reason, my complicated, beautiful woman likes you. Us.” In a very unlike Carter fashion, words spill from him. Proving to me how deeply he feels about the idea. “If it would’ve been just sex, she wouldn’t have agreed to any of it. She wouldn’t have jeopardized what we have for sex. I”—he splays his palm on his naked chest—“wouldn’t have. Her parents and sister are assholes enough. I take pride in knowing I won’t be that person in her life. So, yeah, safe to say she’s in. We’re in.”

He leans his elbow on the cushion, the moonlight making his eyes twinkle. Letting the information sink in.

“I’ll still need to hear her consent.” I don’t ask about the part about her family. This isn’t the place. That isn’t his secret to tell.

“You will.” No stories or gossip from Carter. Good fucking boy. “What else?”

“I do have to ask.” Because my cold heart can and will snap depending on his answer. “Are you doing this for her?”

A small smirk—a wicked one—crosses more than just his lips. His entire face lights up.

Fuck, do I want to kiss him. To hug him. See how he’d fit in my arms. In bed, we had Amara mashed between us. But how would it feel, just he and I?

My fingers flex, itching to see for myself. I clench them into a fist just as fast. His eyes zoom in on the action.

“Well?” I call his attention back to my face.

“No.” His honesty purge ends there. No. Just no.

I’m not satisfied. “Are you serious about it?”

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