Page 129 of Voltage

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Killian: We’re headed home early. Take off the T-shirt you’re in and wait for us.

Obsessive, stalker men. I look straight into the camera in Carter’s room, stick my tongue out, and hide under the covers.

Muffin: Hope your pussy is ready.

Muffin: Scratch that. I hope you’re sore. I’m into inflicting pain today.

I’m still hiding from them. Still not showing them whether I took my T-shirt off or not.

Just to poke them a little more, I type out: When are you not?

Killian: Amara, if you’re looking for trouble, you have it.

Me: Oh, thank fuck. I thought I’d have to beg.

Muffin: We’re so tying you up.

Killian: And spanking your ass. Your cunt too.

I change Killian’s name on my phone to Killie, then tease them with a lie.

Me: Sorry, no can do. I have plans. I’m going shopping with Opal.

Killie: You know what? We take it back. You’re not getting fucked in a comfortable bed. We’re fucking you here. Tonight.

Whatever happens in their hotel ceases to interest me. Without letting them see me, I wrangle out of my T-shirt and throw it over the covers before snatching my arm back inside.

Killie: Put that shirt back on. I’m picking you up.

Muffin: If you’re thinking about being a brat, don’t. What you’re going to go through today will be painful enough.

Excitement rushes through me. I’ll never not want the kind of pain they promise.

Me: How long do I have to be ready?

No other message comes through. Another form of torture.

Another pain I happily take on as I rush to change into one of my old, plain, red and blue dresses the two men can rip right off me.



Three raps on the door have my head snapping up in that direction.

“Killian?” Luna’s voice reaches from the walkie talkie on the desk. She’s outside our office at Voltage. “Carter?”

“No fucking way,” I mouth, then press my lips shut.

Killian and Amara should be here any moment now.

I was just about to get up from where I’ve been for the past forty minutes behind my desk. I’m ready to head to our special torture chamber we have downstairs. Where kinky members do kinky shit. Where we torment unruly ones when we’re in that mood.

Where we were going to take our backtalking, bratty little Amara.

Work crap like signing off on an invoice can and will have to wait.

And it is back office crap. After the show Kill and I put on yesterday, I highly doubt any of our members have been acting out. The word must’ve spread that we’ve taken our punishments up a notch.

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