Page 128 of Voltage

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Fuck them. I’m my own person and do whatever the hell I please.

Meaning yawn without covering my mouth when I wake up from my nap. It’s been almost twenty-four hours since the Christopher incident, and it’s still weighing heavily on me.

Once Carter and Killian left for the hotel, I meant to call Opal about Luna’s wedding, run things by her one last time. But my body decided otherwise.

Until now.

I stretch out in Carter’s enormous bed, wiggling my toes under the soft covers.

Carter and Killian aren’t back yet. I don’t expect them for another few hours. I snatch the phone from the nightstand, consider calling Opal, then decide against it. She deserves to have the weekend off.

Besides, I don’t feel like telling her our shop is no more. I don’t feel like talking about it at all.

Even if it’s temporary.


Would that turn you on, pet? Me slitting someone’s throat for you?

Carter’s questions from yesterday resurface. Why would he ask that?

What else is he hiding?

Unlocking my phone, I browse the internet for news on Voltage. This would be the first time I’ve done it. Up until today, I’ve never researched them.

When Reece, their purchasing manager, called me, I was too excited to do anything other than accept his offer. They were a huge client for my small business. The break I needed.

I squealed. I danced in place. Ever since, they’ve always paid on time. I left it at that.

My dad would’ve had more choice words for me for not doing my research.

Stupid. Airheaded. Reckless.

I prefer trusting and optimistic.

My gut told me I was heading in the right direction. Which I was.

The past six months have been incredible.

But I don’t like feeling left in the dark. Don’t like the feeling of being made stupid.

I’m giving my heart to these two men, but I have to know. I have to.

One hour later, and nothing.

No press interviews. No official website.

Diddly fucking squat.

Voltage is an exclusive, members-only hotel. It would’ve been strange if something did pop up. Right?


I’m about to get out of bed and head to the shower when a message notification flashes on my phone.

A smile tears at my lips when I see who it is. Them.

They opened a group chat.

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