Page 120 of Voltage

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“Carter.” More tears streak my cheeks while my chest inflates and deflates with soft sobs. And through it all, I smile.

Carter doesn’t share the sentiment. His jaw tics and his teeth make an awful gnashing sound.

“Of course Killian doesn’t know, A.” He loosens the hold on my hair, stroking it lovingly. “Your story is yours to share. Only yours.”

“It’s embarrassing.” It is, it really is. This outburst, my relationship with my parents. This whole day. “I shouldn’t have come.”

“Let me tell you what you shouldn’t have done.” Killian squeezes my wrists. “Stayed alone. You’re not alone. You did the right thing. Even if you endangered yourself and rode in an Uber. This is where you belong. With us.”

“Thank you.” My tears dry slowly. My heart, though, bleeds for these two men.

“Go on, Amara.” Killian’s brows furrow. “I’m listening.”

“My landlords are my parents.” My fingernails scratch his shirt repeatedly, my mouth scrunching. “They hated it when I talked to flowers. They hated that I didn’t pay attention in class. That I got in trouble in school, even though I was the one being bullied. I wouldn’t—couldn’t—be the perfect little girl for them.”

“They’re wrong.” Killian’s eyes are ominous. Bloodthirsty. “You’re perfect. Every part of you is.”

“Y-you don’t know me enough to say that.” Hiccup.

“Of course I know enough,” he thunders.

“Three losers, that’s what they are. Her parents and her sister.” Anger seeps through Carter’s words. His fingers are full of love, though, weaving through my hair, softly untangling the knots. “I’d have burned their fucking building if Amara would’ve let me.”

It’s their pity and passion talking. I don’t need either at the moment. We’ve said enough, and I don’t need to talk anymore. I purged what hurt me the most, and now, I want more.

My relief will come in the form of breaking my skin. Of taking and giving, of blunt fingernails and sharp teeth doing every unholy thing imaginable to me.

But they won’t let me stop unless I’m done telling them what happened, so I hurry the fuck up.

“They always held money over our heads as an incentive to behave. Never created a trust fund for either me or Melina. Melina did exactly as they said, which is why they let her have everything she wanted. I didn’t. I don’t care to have millions of dollars if it means becoming the bitter people they are. Bitter and fake and sleeping in separate bedrooms. No fucking way.”

I loosen Killian’s tie, hinting at what I want in return for my honesty. Despite the shame of him knowing what my parents think of me, I ask for his affection.

And he gives it to me. He lets me touch him.

“Since I was fifteen, I rode the subway downtown whenever I could. I walked the neighborhood dogs, babysat kids for pennies.” My actions must spur on Carter because his hold on my throat tightens. “As long as it meant saving up, I did it. By the time I was eighteen, I was able to rent their shop and the apartment above it. Barely. I…”

I sigh.

“You what, pet?” Carter splays his hand on my stomach, pressing our bodies together.

I tell them about Airbnb to which Carter bristles. How my parents used this phone call as an excuse to both disown me and ruin my life. To crush the bug under their proverbial boot.

Carter and Killian glare at each other. Their silent conversation ends, and now they’re looking at me.

Neither of them says a damn thing.

Their faces say everything. Scrunched eyebrows. Murderous scowls. Venom dripping from their eyes.

They might bash my dad’s head in like they did the guy at the bar. Threaten my mom. Make her pee in her silk designer underwear. Force Melina to watch her idols humiliated by my avenging angels.

A girl can dream.

“End of story,” I say when the silence becomes overbearing. “Fuck me or let me go find a new home for my plants if that’s even possible. But don’t hug me. Don’t be sweet. Just don’t.”

“You’re staying right here, Amara.” Killian takes me from Carter. He’s not gentle, placing me on the floor, shoving my dress up, baring me to them. “You’ll stay, but trust me, you’ll wish you hadn’t.”

Carter steps next to him, pulling down my panties over my sneakers and kicking my legs apart with his shiny dress shoe. Both men stand side by side, shoulder to shoulder. Their thick cocks outline their black pants. Their arms are crossed over their chests.

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