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I was so sure that we were right for each other. Now I see how blinded I was by some stupid childhood crush on a guy who never even gave me the chance to get to know who he really was.

I thought I knew him. I thought maybe I was the only one who really knew him.

But the guy I fell in love with never would've been able to walk away so easily.

Two of my three events are done now, and word of mouth is picking up. I did the ball for free minus my expenses, but these other events have been quite profitable.

I just need to keep saving my money and keep my focus. I’ll get to that goal…eventually. I’m more than halfway to what I think I’d need since I have a trust my dad set up for me in his will. I haven’t touched that money, but I know it’s what Beckett used for law school, it’s what Alexander used for med school, and it’s what Oliver used for his master’s degree.

As for me…it’ll be part of what I use to open my own bakery before I turn thirty.

I can do it. I have five years to save up to hit that goal, and I’m more determined than ever.

If I could just sell that damn Radiance shit, I’d be even closer.

I push those thoughts out of my head while I finish up the cake I’m decorating, and it’s just as I’m getting ready to leave for the day that my phone starts to ring.

I yank my phone out of my pocket to see who’s calling, my heart lifting with hope that maybe it’s him.

I’m not sure why I allow myself to fall into that trap. It hasn’t been him once in the last two weeks, so why the hell would it start now?

But it’s not him.

Instead, it’s someone I’m even more surprised to hear from, if that’s possible.

It’s my mother.

I finish the cake, say my goodbyes quickly, and rush out to my car to call her back.

“Ava, hi darling,” she answers. She sounds…more coherent than the last time we spoke. I think it was…six months ago? Before Grayson and I reconnected, for sure.

“Hi, Mom,” I say. “You called?”

“I did. I spoke with Missy Nash. She said she saw you a couple months ago and you’re dating her son now?”

“Yeah…we were,” I say softly. “Sort of. It’s over now.”

“Oh,” she says. “I’m so sorry to hear that. He always seemed like a good boy. Are you doing okay?”

“I will be.” I think. I’m not really sure, but I can’t keep going home to his house when I know it’s over. “What about you, Mom? How are you doing?”

She clears her throat. “I’m doing well. I actually joined a local group and made some friends who have been through a loss similar to mine, and through that, I met someone. We’ve been seeing each other, oh, a few months now.”

“You’re seeing someone?” I repeat. My dad died seventeen years ago. It still sounds weird to hear that she’s seeing someone.

But…good for her. Nobody should have to face this world alone.

The thought is depressing. I’m more alone than I’ve ever been. I jumped from Colin to Grayson literally overnight, and now I’m on my own.

And maybe I want to stay on my own a little while longer. Maybe this isn’t such a bad place to be.

I’m talking to my mother. And she sounds okay. Normal, even.

Maybe I’m not as alone as I thought. When one door closes and all that.

“Yes. Is that weird for you?” she asks. “It’s okay if it is.”

“No. It’s not. I’m happy for you.”

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