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“It’s amazing,” I whispered. It really did look magical.

Luke’s eyes sparkled, reflecting the sunlight like the cool water of the lake.

“Is it all part of the lodge?”

He nodded. “This is the best part, in my opinion. It’s so peaceful. Even in the busy season, there’s enough space for people to spread out and enjoy the beauty of nature.”

We stood there silently for a while. I’m not sure how long it was. Eventually, I felt a cold prick in my feet. I suppressed a small shiver. A small breeze across the water made the air extra cold here.

Luke glanced at me. “Cold?”

“A bit,” I confessed.

“Want to go back to the lodge? We could make a fire?”

It sounded perfect, and we turned around.

On our way back, Luke held up his hand to pause our progress. He held a finger to his lips before slowly extending his hand to point through the trees.

A spotted deer stood silently a few yards away, watching us through the trees.

We stood in a comfortable stand-off for a few seconds before the deer relaxed and continued poking her nose through the snowy underbrush.

“I bet that’s not something you saw in Chicago.”

I grinned. I couldn’t help myself. Before I knew it, I was laughing, and Luke was laughing with me. It felt impossible to be sad or upset underneath these trees.

When we got back to the lodge, Luke motioned for me to walk back towards the fishing shed. “I keep a good stock of firewood on hand. We can pick up a few armloads and then we’ll be stocked for the rest of the day.”

I felt like I was floating. Luke looked relaxed and strong, and his happy smile hadn’t faltered since we’d reached the lake. Something about our relationship had changed, and I was enjoying this new dynamic. I couldn’t help myself from smiling either.

Luke loaded a bundle of firewood into my outstretched arms before lifting another load himself. Behind the fishing shed was still snowy as Luke hadn’t anticipated the need to walk back there, and we walked carefully through the snow.

“Watch your step!” Luke cautioned as we began walking back towards the cleared path, our vision slightly obstructed by piled logs.

As if in ironic defiance of his advice, my food slipped on a hidden patch of ice.

Wood went flying as my feet slipped out from under me.

For a brief moment, I saw myself from above, limbs and logs flailing like a cartoon character. Then I landed ungracefully on my back.

Luke’s jaw dropped. “Are you okay?” He dropped the wood and rushed towards me.

I was laughing so hard I could barely speak.

“Laurel, are you okay?” he repeated, clearly concerned.

I nodded. “I’m great,” I managed through my laughter. “Though that was by far the clumsiest I’ve looked since learning how to walk.”

Satisfied that I wasn’t hurt, he grinned and reached a hand down to help me up.

I reached up, clasping his strong hand in my own.

Before either of us knew what was happening, his feet slipped on the ice, and he fell inches away. I couldn’t help giggling. After a brief moment of shock, his deep laughter mixed with my own.

He turned to look at me as he lay next to me on the snow.

I suddenly realized how close we were. His eyes looked deeply into my own. He leaned forward slightly. I could feel his breath now. It was warm and smelled like vanilla muffins.

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