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“I can get you some water.” Felicity smiled. “Your throat might feel a little dry and scratchy for the next couple of days. You took in quite a bit of smoke when you passed out. Thank goodness you were able to call 911. Could have been a lot worse if you hadn’t.” She brought a small paper cup of water over from the sink. “Here. Careful. Use your left hand. Your right hand might sting a little if you do too much too soon.”

I nodded. I followed her instructions. She took some vital signs, checked on my burns, and then left to go get one of the doctors. I settled in to be alone for a while because this was a big hospital, but I was not alone for long.

“Oh, thank goodness! You’re awake,” Maria’s voice entered the room. “I came by yesterday to see how you were doing and was so worried. Thank goodness Jesse and his team responded to that fire.”

“Jesse?” My voice came out scratchy and hoarse.

I found it really hurt to talk right now. I took another sip of water.

“Jesse found my number and told me about the fire and that you were in the hospital. They’re investigating what happened,” Maria said as she sat down.

“Actually, I think we have a pretty good case for arson.”

I looked behind Maria to see Jesse walking in. He carried a small stuffed bear that said “get well soon” on a heart the little bear held in its arms. He set it on the table in front of my bed.

“Thank you.”

I managed a smile. Though my voice was hoarse, I wanted him to know how much I appreciated the job he had done when he had come to see what had happened. I hadn’t expected him to show up, but seeing him made my stomach do a little flip. He looked relieved that I was awake, and I couldn’t help but notice how kind his face looked as he took in my bandages.

“It’s my job, Jade,” Jesse replied. “Your store is alright. A little waterlogged from having to put out the fire, but fine. You’re going to need a new doorknob on the front door, though. We had to break it to get in because there wasn’t time to move the dresser that was placed in front of the back door. Someone set that fire on purpose.”

“Oh, my…” Maria’s face went pale.

“Don’t worry. We left it secure. But yeah,” Jessie finished, “ultimately you’ll need a new door. Sorry about that.”

I would have been lying to myself if I tried to say that I was so distracted by the fact that he’d saved my life that I didn’t care about the door at all. What had we done to deserve that kind of treatment? Who would have done that to a store only trying to bring some joy into the world?

“Maria, why don’t you go find us some food? I’m sure Jade is starving.”

“I can do that. Something easy to chew, easy to swallow for Jade, I’m sure, would be good. Right?” Maria looked at me.

I nodded. That sounded like a good idea. I mimed licking an ice cream cone. Maria laughed.

“I’ll see what kind of popsicles or ice cream I can find you. It may be a hot minute before I return.” With that, Maria left the room, glancing suggestively from me to Jesse behind his back before she closed the door.

This left me alone with Jesse. He appeared to have come right from the fire station because I could still smell hints of smoke on him. At least he wasn’t fresh from a fire. I don’t know if I could have handled smelling a ton of smoke right now. The little bit I could smell was making me a little queasy.

“I know I probably smell a little like smoke,” he said as if he could read my mind. “But I’ve had to answer two fire calls today. It doesn’t wash out easily,” he said. “I had to come talk to you. To see that you were all right. Finding you passed out on the floor of the shop… I don’t ever want to see you in a position like that again.”

I nodded. I never wanted to be in that position again. It had been terrible, not knowing what to do. I remembered my brain fuzzing over as panic set in, despite doing my best to follow the prompts given to me by the operator on the phone.

“I’m so relieved we got to you in time,” he said with so much sincerity in his voice that it made me blush. “I must admit that there is… there is another reason I came to see you.”

I looked at him curiously.

“Working with you for the fundraiser gave me a chance to get to know you, and then the fire – and — I feel close to you after all of this. Would you… would you be willing to give me a second chance? I know I’ve done little to deserve it, but I would like to start over.” He couldn’t meet my eyes, no matter what he tried to do while he spoke.

It was touching. This event had clearly sparked some remorse. I couldn’t tell what had caused the change, but I wondered if it had anything to do with the fact that I had been found on the floor of the shop, with nasty burns. Despite doing the right thing. Like his friend all those years ago.

I nodded slowly. He wouldn’t meet my eyes, but I was sure he was aware of my nodding.

A small smile spread across his face.

“I’m glad to hear it,” he said, finally looking up, his piecing eyes shining into mine.

Chapter twenty-five

Twenty-Five: Jesse

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