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A warm, fuzzy feeling spread through my chest seeing Jade nod that she was willing to give me a second chance. The smile that spread with it wasn’t something I had meant to show Jade, but perhaps that was a good thing. That she was able to see it. She deserved to know that there was more to me than just the grumpy man she had gotten to know over the past few weeks.

“Well, I should be going. I have a shift to get back to.” I stood up, a bit sad to leave her. I’d have gladly spent the whole day sitting in the hospital with her.

She nodded and put a hand on mine – as if to tell me that she understood. I was only glad that she wasn’t trying to strain her voice for me. She didn’t need to end up in more pain because she was trying to tell me that it was all okay. Or would be soon.

Before I could leave the room, Maria returned. She had found food, all right – but it wasn’t just for her and Jade. There was a third plate. Had she gotten a plate for me too, despite knowing that I was probably going to have to leave?

“I hope you’re not leaving just yet, Mr. Delaney,” Maria said as she helped Jade get situated on the bed so that she could eat her ice cream. “You deserve a little more of a break than just coming to check on Jade. I think you can spare five minutes for your mental health.”

I looked to Jade, who looked at Maria a moment longer before nodding in my direction. If Jade agreed, then I supposed the only thing to do was to stay as asked. I sat back down.

“Let me check with the chief,” I said. “I’d hate to give you both false hope.”

Jade nodded. Maria was too busy opening the ice cream to bother with much more than a soft nod in my direction.

I pulled my phone out of my pocket, only to find that the chief had texted me while I had been talking to Jade. He simply wanted me to know that they could spare me all day if I felt I needed to be gone that long. They understood that this was someone I had been close to, and they wanted me to be sure that I would be able to perform my job to the best of my ability. If I needed to take a bit of time off to make sure she was okay, he understood and supported that.

I appreciated that.

“It seems I’m all clear for today,” I told them. “The chief says I can take the day if I need it. They’re some pretty understanding guys that I work with. I’m not entirely shocked he’s having me take a day.”

“That’s good to hear,” Maria said.

Jade didn’t add much to the conversation we had after other than the occasional head shake or nod, but I didn’t mind. She was feeling better and was awake. It reminded me that I had brought something for Jade. With that, I went back out to my car to get it.

However, on my way back in with the beading kit, I passed the large main desk. Then, it hit me. Jade and Maria were self-employed and may not have had health insurance. Or if they did, it may not have covered something like what happened to Jade. I knew unexpected hospital stays could quickly add up. Instead of leaving Jade to drown in debt, I decided that the least that I could do was pay her hospital bills. So, I stopped by the main desk.

“How can I help you today?”

“I’m here to put in a billing address and card for Jade Santana’s bills,” I said. “Am I allowed to do that?”

“Yes.” She began typing, I assumed to pull up Jade’s forms.

“I wish to anonymously pay her bills for her. I don’t think she’s got any health insurance, and I hate to see dreams crushed by the debt of an unforeseen accident,” I said. “But please don’t tell her it was me.”

The woman at the desk nodded slowly and allowed me to go ahead and pay off what she already had racked up – and allowed me to put in an address for a bill at a later date. I put in the address of the ranch. I didn’t want her to find out what I was doing, at least, not accidentally. I’d tell her. Eventually.

I just wasn’t sure how comfortable she’d be with it.

When I returned to the right floor and got closer to her room, I caught bits of the conversation she was having with Maria. Well, I caught what Maria was saying. Jade may have been typing it out on a phone or writing out on paper what she wanted to say. It sounded as though they were discussing bills.


I did the courteous thing and let them know I was coming in by speaking up as I walked in.

“Do you happen to know if this hospital does payment plans?” Maria looked at me. “Jade’s worried about the bill. We don’t have health insurance yet, and this is going to cream our savings if we’re not careful about how it is done.”

I paused for an awkwardly long time, trying to figure out what to say. Eventually, I spoke. “It’s already been taken care of,” I said. “You have nothing to worry about, Jade.” I knew I’d have to tell her the truth sooner or later. I guess the universe had decided I should tell her now.


Jade’s voice was still hoarse, but not nearly as hoarse as earlier. Her throat was probably feeling a little better if she managed to say a single word to me. I was glad to hear her voice getting better, but still didn’t think it was a good idea for her to be speaking much yet.

“The Ranch is kind to people who work there,” I replied simply. “But I think the better question is, are you going to be able to do anything about the fundraiser? Oh, and I brought this for you.” I hoped drawing her attention back to the fundraiser and her beading would keep her from asking more questions about her bills.

I put the beading kit on the table, and her face lit up. She immediately started to work on a new pair of earrings, and I could tell that the work of beading was relaxing her. I smiled a little. I loved watching her work.


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