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“No, not yet. I don’t want to worry her. She has enough to deal with between Sierra and Kyle.”

“At least give me the address you are going to, just in case.”

Grant heaved a sigh before he dug into his pocket. With his phone, he snapped a picture of the note he’d scrawled, then shoved the paper toward Worthington. “Here. But no interference, Worthington. None.”

“Of course not, sir. Not unless…something goes awry.”

“I don’t plan on it.” Grant clapped him on the shoulder, shooting him an eager grin before he tugged open the front door.

“The best-laid plans, sir…” Worthington’s voice answered as he hurried toward the garage.

He wondered if this would only lead him to Lydia again. Perhaps the caller didn’t know he knew. How would they? They’d been careful.

Julia had played her role well. No one would know. He’d be disappointed if this led back to Lydia with no new information, but then again, maybe it would free him to take a more aggressive approach.

He reached the garage and tapped in his key code to enter the door. The dark shapes of his more than two dozen cars filled the large space.

With a flick of a switch, lights blinked to life. He stared out over the vast array of material goods he’d accumulated. None of it meant anything if they couldn’t stop Lydia from ruining him, Sierra, or both. Or if he lost Julia.

He shook his head at the last thought as he crossed to the key bank and grabbed the key fob for his Mercedes. His heart thudded as he slid behind the wheel.

He flicked his gaze in the rearview mirror, catching the deep lines etched into his forehead as worry consumed him. They needed to make headway on this before it drowned them all.

The garage door slowly rolled open as he fired the engine. He wondered if his daughter was inside the house connected to the garage. Had she sought comfort in James’s arms?

If she had, he hoped the man provided it. If not, maybe Julia could. Sierra’s attachment to his wife was heartwarming. He’d never seen Sierra give so much of her heart to someone.

And he understood the impulse completely. He’d never given so much of his heart to someone either. His jaw flexed as he recalled his misstep earlier with his son when he’d admitted his feelings for Julia.

He shook his head. With any luck, he’d soon have more information, and they’d be able to put all this nonsense with DG Industries behind them. Then, he’d tell Julia the truth. And they’d ride off into the sunset together.

The corners of his lips tugged up as he sped toward the address he’d been given. He could start his life anew and move forward, genuinely happy for the first time. Countless times in the past, he had thought he'd found happiness, only to realize it was all just an illusion.

His mind shifted to the image of Julia smiling at him over a lovely dinner. On the other side of him, Sierra grinned, happy to see them together.

The smile on his face faded as Kyle leaned around Julia, a smirk on his face. “Never going to happen, Dad.”

The image dissolved as his eyes narrowed, and his grip tightened on the steering wheel. The stinging words from his son wounded him deeply. Maybe Julia wouldn’t accept him. He’d never wooed a woman like her before. Was the reason for that because he couldn’t?

He shook the negative thoughts from his mind, allowing his thoughts to turn to the task ahead. What would he find when he arrived at 237 Crescent Drive?

A pang of panic twisted his gut as he closed in on the address. What if Worthington’s suspicions proved correct and this was a mistake?

He tightened his grip on the wheel again, fidgeting in his seat. He’d be smart and safe. But he couldn’t let this opportunity slip by. Julia had already taken enough chances trying to solve this issue. Now it was his turn.

He slowed to a stop outside of the address. The place looked abandoned. The perfect place for a discreet meeting to pass along information about DG Industries. Or to take him by surprise.

He let his hand slide along the butt of his gun. No one was going to get the jump on him. He killed the engine, ducking his head to stare out at the brick building again. A light gleamed from within.

His heart thudded, a mix of anticipation and dread swirling in his gut. His mind raced with possibilities of who waited inside for him, each possibility more unsettling than the last.

He threw open his door and stepped out into the cool night air. It brushed past his skin, heightening his senses as a chill snaked down his spine.

His eyes narrowed at the building. Something unsettled him about this, though he still planned to get answers. Before he did, though, he reached into his pocket for his phone.

After tugging it free, he dialed Worthington’s number.

“Sir?” the man answered after the first ring. “Have you found anything?”

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