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“I believe you.”

“I could be lying,” she said softly.

“You’re not.” He knew it in his bones. She wasn’t lyingabout anything. She was exactly who she said she was. She was sweet and scaredand tired of not being loved the way she should be. So he would give it to her.He and Grim would give her all the love she needed. “Stay with us. Be with us.Not physically if you’re not ready, but spend time with us. We’ve missed you.”

“I’ve missed you, too.” She moved into his arms, and hesighed as she wrapped herself around him. “I didn’t realize how much untiltonight. I’ve been focusing on helping Kim with my case and learning fromHarlow and your parents.”

“You needed time. It’s okay if you need more,” he whispered,holding her so close. “Please spend some time with us. Let us take you out.Show you how we feel.”

She sighed. “Then how about you call your mom and tell herwe’re eating in town. I’ve got a craving for Christa’s chicken and dumplings.”

Having dinner with her—just the three of them—would be agood start.

Even if he ended the night dropping her off at the big houseand going home alone, it was enough.

It was hope.

“I think it sounds perfect.” His voice was thick withemotion. “Now let’s get everything that dog of yours is going to need.”

Her smile was enough to warm him. Maybe for the rest of hislife.


Grim looked across the booth at Josh. His best friendwas more relaxed than he’d been in weeks, and it didn’t have anything to dowith the steak and fries he’d eaten. He’d also downed a salad when Nicole hadpointed out vegetables were a necessary part of life. Josh had an indulgentsmile on his face as Nicole told Christa all about her new friend.

Spending time with their girl had Josh looking like himselfagain.

“He’s so cute. We think he’s probably got some terrier inhim,” Nicole was saying.

“And chihuahua, given how he shakes,” Josh joked.

Nicole wrinkled her nose his way. “He’s scared. And maybecold.”

Buddy was sleeping in his crate in Christa’s office. He hadsome excellent doggie anxiety meds which he might need for a while because thatpup had seen some things.

“He looks adorable,” Christa said. “I can’t wait to meetBuddy when he’s awake.”

Christa started talking about her Labrador. The café washopping tonight, and they’d been lucky to get a table. There was a PTAcommittee meeting going on in the back room and some kind of church groupeating together at a bunch of tables they’d shoved together. He kept an eye onAlyssa, though. She was sitting with her mother across the way, staring over atthem from time to time.

She might be a problem.

But the real problem was sitting in a booth in the back.

Ezekiel Smith.

He’d chosen the last booth and Grim couldn’t see who he waswith, but it was likely his brother and two stepbrothers. They never took theirmom anywhere except to church and to buy groceries. He was actually surprisedthey would spend money on something like a meal out.

There was another man there, a taller man, though, whocouldn’t be one of his brothers.

Despite the peace and joy of spending the evening withNicole, a sense of dread trickled in.

Christa stepped away to grab their desserts, and Nicole tooka long drag off her iced tea.

“I talked to Kim today and she said the case is going well,though she might need to come out and interview me again,” Nicole said quietly.“Jack wants to hire a PI in the area to revisit the criminal case, but I’mworried reopening it could shake some stuff up.”

And she was scared. “We’ll cross that bridge when we getthere.”

“Harlow can’t stay here forever,” Nicole mused. “What are wegoing to do when she needs to go home?”

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