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She couldn’t take her eyes off him. He had some scars, butthose did nothing to take away from his overall beauty. He was a gorgeous man,and for now he was all hers. She laid her palms flat on his pecs, heat seemingto flow from him to her.

One hand came out to cover hers, holding it against hischest. “You need to let me know if we get too intense for you. There’s nothingwe do together that’s not negotiable. You can stop us at any time, but I hopeyou trust us.”

She did. That was the problem. “Are you going to tie me up?”

She’d spent some time thinking about what they’d meant whenthey talked about kinks. She’d read a romance novel or two. Or a thousand.After the night before, she suspected that bondage and dominance were the tipof their sexy iceberg.

“Yes, I am,” he admitted, his eyes on her breasts.

Her nipples were hard pebbles, tightening at the thought ofhim putting his hands on them. “I think I can handle that.”

“You’re going to be helpless.”

“Yes,” she whispered, not saying the reason why the wordscame so easily. She could say yes to them because she trusted them, because shewouldn’t be helpless. They would always help her. This was a way to play outfantasies.

And she’d just realized one of her fantasies was to trustsomeone so much they could take away all of her abilities to protect herselfand she would still know that it would be all right. Because they would neverbetray her.

“I’m going to play with your little asshole, sweetheart.”Grim’s thumb rubbed a circle around her right nipple. “I’m going to push a plugin to open you up because we’re going to want to fuck that sweet hole ofyours.”

She knew what he meant and the why behind it, and shecouldn’t summon up the sense to be anxious about it. If she didn’t like it, shewould tell them and they would stop, but she was going to give it a shot.

“Okay.” She couldn’t take her eyes off his lips. They wereso lush and soft looking, in contrast to his ruggedly masculine jawline. Butshe was starting to think that was simply who Grim was. At first glance helooked rough and intimidating but his gruff exterior protected a soft heart.

A brow rose over his dark eyes, and one half of thosegorgeous lips tugged up in a grin. “Just like that?”

He shouldn’t be so surprised. They’d shown her a lot abouthow good it could feel between them the night before. She’d felt safe andsecure with these men—something she never thought she would feel again.

She might never have felt as safe as she had last night.Certainly not in the last few years.

“Just like that,” she said with a sigh because he was sopretty. Such a pretty man.

“She knows we won’t hurt her.” Josh’s deep voice came frombehind, and she felt his fingers skim over the curves of her hips as he movedin. Then his breath was on her neck, and she could sense the change in him.“Nicole trusts us, and that’s why we can push her a little. Baby, I want you toget to your knees, sitting back on your heels. You have palms up or down onyour thighs. You choose. Then I want your head bowed in a submissive position.This is how you greet us before we play.”

There were rules? She shouldn’t be surprised. She’d readbooks about BDSM, but hearing the words from Josh’s mouth sent a shiver downher spine.

She could follow rules. If they didn’t change all the time.If they weren’t merely there as an excuse to torment and torture her. If therules were out there and they would follow them, too, she would always knowwhere she stood.

“How do you two greet me?”

She gasped as Grim twisted her nipple, pain shooting throughher, but it was oddly exciting.

“Brat,” he said, but he was grinning like this was exactlywhat he wanted from her. “And we greet you like this.”

His mouth covered hers, tongue sweeping in as his handsmoved and he held her flat against his body. Skin to skin, she felt electric,pure anticipation flowing through her now. All the rest of it could wait. Itwas easy to shove aside her trepidation at how wealthy they were. Nothingmattered in the moment except how they could make her feel.

“And this,” Josh said as Grim turned her to him. His handscame up to cup the back of her neck, and hepractically inhaled her. He took her mouth in a ravenous kiss, like he neededher to breathe. Nicole softened, letting him control her movements, followinghim in this dance he seemed to need. When he released her, his gaze was hard.“Now do as I told you. Greet us so we can start your training.”

Nicole stepped back and sank down to her knees, her skinagainst the soft rug. She took a deep breath and spread her knees, placing herpalms up on her thighs, and let her head fall forward.

She was ready.

Chapter Seven

Grim felt like his cock was going to freaking explodeand he hadn’t even gotten undressed yet. The night before had felt hot andintimate, but seeing her with her head bowed in the light of day did somethingto his heart.

She was here with them. She wasn’t trying to hide it, andshe’d apparently announced to the entire town—the Baptist portion at least—shewas their girl. Theirs. Not simply Josh’s.

Josh moved around her naked body, his inner top already infirm control. He studied her carefully. “I need your spine straight.”

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