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“Everyone’s talking about me?” Nicole heard the quaver inher voice.

“They’re talking about me, darlin’. It’s what they do. Theytalk about my family.” Josh pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry. This is myfault.”

It wasn’t, but it was her problem. If people talked, thenthey asked questions. If they asked the right questions, then they could blowup her existence.

“Hey, you’re shaking,” Josh said, concern in his voice.“What’s going on, baby?”

She tried to ignore the anxiety sparking through her.Normal. She had to pretend to be a normal woman who didn’t lose it at thethought of a little gossip. She was trapped. If she’d known how wealthy theywere, she would have avoided them, but she hadn’t, and now there were feelingsinvolved. Dumping them would bring up more questions.

And she didn’t want to. She wanted these days. She could gointo the shop tomorrow and give them the down payment and be out of town by theend of the week. She’d thought to build up some more cash, but that wasn’tpossible now. A couple of days wouldn’t hurt, especially if she kept a lowprofile.

Yes, she could still make this work, and she should sincewalking away would cause them to get curious. She was fairly certain she didn’twant to deal with a curious Josh.

“I’m fine though I’m not good with confrontations.” Sheactually didn’t mind them anymore. She’d been a mouse, but a couple of years asa fugitive had taught her where to spend the few fucks she had left.

She’d liked standing up to Alyssa. It made her feel seen,and she so often felt like a shadow clinging to the corner of wherever shehappened to be. She’d felt like she had backup from Heather, and then Josh hadcharged in.

Josh stared down at her like he was trying to ensure shewasn’t keeping anything from him. “All right, but I expect you to come to me ifanything happens. If Alyssa comes near you, I want you to call me.”

She nodded. He’d put his number into her phone the nightbefore, and so had Grim.

Something changed in Josh’s eyes, his gaze going fromconcerned to hot in an instant. As though the minute he decided she was allright, his intentions turned. “Olivia, Grim and I are going to fix somebreakfast for our…for Nicole.”

The way he was looking at her she felt more like she wasabout to be breakfast. And just like that all her serious thoughts fled and herpussy took over. Grim was at the door, opening it and offering to take herinside.

“Oh, you don’t have to do that. Momma has some…” Oliviablushed. “Okay, ewww. I’m going back to see if thedads need any help. I’ll let them know you are unavailable.”

Josh simply flashed his sister a grin. “For many hours.”

Olivia was walking away. “Eww. That’s not for you, Nic.They’re my brothers. I think they’re gross. You have fun because they aren’tyour brothers.”

She sort of heard Olivia, but it didn’t matter because shewas stuck on the look in Josh’s eyes. This was what passion felt like, whatreal sexual chemistry meant. All these men had to do was look at her and shefelt ready. Her body softened, brain going fuzzy.

“Go on inside. I need a minute. We’re going to start yourtraining, and I need to be in control,” Josh said. “Go with Grim.”

Something about the way he said the words had her obeyingwithout her usual questions. Maybe it was the word need coming fromhim. He’d given her all the things she’d needed over the course of the lastnight and this morning. She wanted to do the same for him.

Grim’s hand covering hers helped make walking away from Josheasier.

He led her inside their house. They’d made it sound likesome small bachelor pad, but the place was huge and light and airy. It wasbeautiful, and she couldn’t help but look around.

Her trepidation was back. These people had serious cash.

“Hey, look at me.” Grim got into her space. “I fuckingmissed you. I’ve spent the morning dealing with vomiting cows, and I toldmyself if I got through it I would clean myself up and be ready for you. Youare a sight, gorgeous.”

He made her feel that way. Grim was so big and masculine.He’d taken a shower but he hadn’t shaved, and she loved the dark, bristly hairthat clung to his jawline. She reached up and brushed her fingers over hislight scruff. This was what she’d missed the night before, being able toexplore these men she’d taken as her temporary lovers.

When Grim lowered his mouth to hers, she wrapped her armsaround him. His tongue was in her mouth, and she felt deliciously invaded.Grim’s kiss was overwhelming, making her blood start to pump, her nipplestighten. His hands found the cheeks of her ass, hauling her up against him soshe could feel how fast and thoroughly she affected him. His cock was hardagainst her belly.

“Take off your clothes and get ready for Josh.” He whisperedthe command against her lips before setting her on her feet.

She knew she should think about the implications of Joshtalking about beginning her training, but she’d made her decision. She wastaking this time with them, and that meant being in the moment, stayingmentally with them. It meant shoving aside her fear. She locked it away alongwith her husband’s awful words and actions.

In this place, he never existed. This place was for her andGrim and Josh.

She shed her anxieties as she shed her clothes. They wouldbe there when she put them back on, but for now she felt free.

“Damn, you’re even more gorgeous in the light of day,sweetheart.” Grim had taken off his T-shirt, revealing his muscular chest.

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