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“It’s too early.” Josh needed to make things plain. “Wedon’t know you well enough to play those games. Grim’s right. If you want tospend the night with us, you need to understand that it only goes as far as youwant. Any no from you will be honored by the two of us. All we want is thechance to spend some time with you.”

It was a little lie. He already wanted more. She was sweetand smart and made him laugh. She was good with Grim.

Her head turned slightly, though she didn’t move away fromGrim. “It’s just sex for me.”

Now she was the one who was lying. She clearly wasn’t awoman who seduced men on the regular.

“Is it because there are two of us?” Grim asked quietly.

“No,” she whispered as though the thought hurt her.

“Because you wouldn’t be the first woman who wanted nothingmore than sex from us. Mostly they want to date Josh and they let me sneak intobed,” Grim admitted.

“I would never do that to you,” Nicole declared. “No, that’snot the problem. I have to leave pretty soon. I have a job waiting for me. Assoon as my car is fixed, I need to head on out.”

Ah, there it was. Yep. Pops was right, and she was probablyin trouble. But it was way too early to push her. He needed to get a feel forthe situation. If she was in money trouble, he could easily fix that. If shehad some asshole stalking her, well, that would be fun to fix. He was the rightmix of his dads. He could ruin an asshole both mentally and physically. “Howlong do you think you’re staying here in Willow Fork?”

“A week,” she murmured. “Two, tops.”

He let his hands find her hips. “How about you spend thattime with us? When we’re not working, of course. I work my dads’ ranch, andGrim here is a vet because there was zero way I was going to that manyclasses.”

“Yeah, so says the business major.” Grim seemed to havecalmed, and his hands were stroking over her hair. “But he’s right. When we’renot working, I would love to spend some time with you. It doesn’t have to meanwe’re getting engaged or anything. It’s nothing more than spending time with abeautiful woman.”

One of her hands came back, and her fingertips brushed overJosh’s jawline. “It’s been a long time for me and the idea of…spending timewith you…I think I would regret not doing it, but I am going to leave.”

He was sure she thought she was going to. But if he had acouple of weeks to build some trust with her, she might come around to his wayof thinking. “Then let me kiss you.”

Grim turned her so she was facing Josh, his big handsholding her against his body. “Kiss Josh. You’re going to find we’re bossy whenit comes to this, but I do not want you to forget you’re in control.”

Her breath hitched, and he could see the creamy swell of herbreasts against the V-neck of her shirt. “You have more than one kink, don’tyou?”

Josh felt his lips curl. “Oh, my darlin’, you have no idea.”

He had zero shame when it came to his sexuality. His sistermight complain about their parents’ deep belief in sex positivity, but Joshreveled in it. It was freedom to be who he was, and that was a Dom.

He moved in, his hand cupping her cheek as he looked down ather. “Bossy doesn’t begin to cover it, but Grim’s right. All you need to saytonight is no and everything stops.”

He didn’t want her to say no. He wasn’t going to give her asingle reason to stop this train now that he’d gotten it rolling. He could befairly vanilla, and then introduce her to more interesting play later.

It wasn’t like they hadn’t been quietly topping her allnight, and she’d reacted beautifully. When some cowboy Josh didn’t know hadasked her to dance, she’d shaken her head and stepped back between them asthough they were protection. They were. She needed to learn to trust thatinstinct.

It started with pleasure and continued with proving to herthat when they said something, she could count on them.

But mostly pleasure.

“I’m not saying no now,” she said, her chin coming up.

Oh, he liked the fact that she could challenge him. “I’mglad, but the choice is yours. I don’t intend to make it hard for you. I intendto make this the easiest choice you’ll ever make.”

He lowered his mouth to hers and let their lips brush.

“This is where I’ve wanted to be since the minute I laideyes on you, girl,” he whispered.

Her breath hitched again, and he could feel her breastsagainst his chest, though she was held in place by Grim. It seemed to dosomething for her.

He kissed her again. Soft and sweet, and then he let histongue run over her lower lip. His body started to sing, every muscle and inchof skin coming alive.

He’d been right about her. So fucking right.

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