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Chapter Three

Josh stopped as they reached the truck, and herealized Nicole wasn’t as close as she’d been before.

It was almost one in the morning, but The Barn was stillrocking behind them. Neon lights split the darkness, and the thump of musicformed a soundtrack.

They’d danced and talked and had a couple of drinks, but notso much he couldn’t try to seduce the gorgeous woman. She’d had two margaritasand then switched to water. He and Grim had done the same but with beers. Hedidn’t want a drunken hookup with her.

But he did want her. Like crazy want her. Like he hadn’tfelt in a long time. He knew damn well it was too soon, but he would make itwork.

Except she looked worried now.

“Hey, you okay?” He stopped, giving her some space.

“She’s worried, and probably rightfully so.” Grim leanedagainst the truck with a sigh. “Nicole, nothing has to happen. We can take youhome and drop you off. All I ask is you let me seeyou safely home. We probably should have sent you with Olivia.”

Their sister had left half an hour before with her friends.She’d offered Nicole a ride, but the gorgeous dark-haired woman had wanted tostay.

Had she changed her mind?

It could be damn hard to be a woman in the world. “Do youhave a friend you can call?”

She grimaced. “I have the number to a cab.”

Josh snorted. “No, you have the number to Gwen Stapleton,who is surely asleep by this point. And honestly, she shouldn’t be driving,much less pretending to be an Uber.” He needed to make her comfortable. Thenight had been even more amazing than he’d thought it could be. Nicole hadn’tpreferred one over the other. She’d spent time dancing with both of them, andwhen she’d gotten looks, she’d simply ignored them all. When she’d been slowdancing with Grim and Josh had moved in behind her, she hadn’t seemedsurprised. She’d matched her movements to theirs, and he’d known this couldwork.

But not if she was afraid of them. Hanging out in a publicplace was one thing. Being alone with them was another.

“Darlin’, if you’re worried, we can walk right back in thereand find someone to drive you home that you feel more comfortable with,” Grimoffered.

She bit her bottom lip, and then her head was shaking. “Whowould that be? The only people I know in this town are Christa and the otherwaitresses, but I don’t know them well enough to ask them to pick me up.”

“I know Christa,” Josh assured her. “She’s my momma’s bestfriend, and she will come get you. I would be all right with Christa taking youhome.”

“Our concern is that you get there safely. That’s all,” Grimassured her.

One hand went to her hip, and her sass was back. “Oh,really? So you two weren’t going to try anything?”

Josh held his hands up as though to show he was harmless.“Nothing at all, if you tell me no.”

Her lips formed a straight line. “And if I’m not capable oftelling you no tonight?”

His cock kind of jumped in his jeans. That was what he’dbeen looking for. “You know what we want, right?”

She nodded slowly. “You both want me. You want to taketurns.”

“Not at all. There won’t be any turn taking. Both of us willbe with you the whole way,” he vowed.

“Except we won’t, because if she’s not capable of saying no,it’s my responsibility to do it for her,” Grim reminded him.

Sometimes Josh thought Grim had been around Dad too much. Hetook the Dom role seriously, while Josh had spent his life being raised by subsand watching how they all interacted. He didn’t like to think of his parentsthat way, but it was true, and sometimes a sub liked to play with words.“Nicole, he’s worried you mean you think you’ve had too much to drink. He oftentakes things literally. Or he’s worried you’re scared of us.”

Her expression softened, and suddenly she moved closer toGrim, getting in his space. Her hands came up to cup his cheeks. “I didn’t meanit that way.”

Oh, she was perfect for them. He’d known there was a deeplysubmissive streak in this woman. She hid it well. She’d likely learned not tolet that part of herself out or someone would take advantage of her. Joshintended to show her how safe she was with them. Safe to be herself. Safe tosubmit and indulge and find the pleasure and joy that could come from servingher Masters.

Grim practically melted. “I don’t want you to be afraid ofme. I know I’m a big guy, but I wouldn’t hurt you. I take consent seriously.This is not something where you say yes once and then we do whatever we want toyou.”

She bit her bottom lip. “And if that doesn’t sound so bad?”

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