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“Actually, wait,” Trix says. “Robbie, I could use your opinion on something.”

Melanie glares at her. “Seriously?”

Robbie throws on a wide grin and steals a chair from the nearest empty table. He sets it down backward and lowers himself onto the seat with wide-open legs. “How can I be of service, milady?” he asks her.

Trix gestures at him. “Well, you’re a guy.”

Melanie scoffs. “Debatable.”

“Yes,” Robbie says, ignoring her. “Last I checked. Wait...” He reaches below and cups himself. “Okay, go ahead.”

I bite my cheek to keep from laughing as Melanie’s eyes roll.

Trix leans forward. “What would be the nicest way a woman can deny sex to you?”

I twitch. “The hell?”

She shrugs. “Marcus.”

“Your dad’s bodyguard?” Melanie asks. “You’re still fucking him?”

“Since I was fourteen,” Trix muses.

“Uh.” Robbie laughs. “Wow.”

“He was fifteen,” she says, waving a hand. “It’s not as squicky as it sounds. Long story short: We grew up together, he joined the Army, came back ripped, my dad hired him as a bodyguard, and we kept fucking on the side. Totally casual.”

He nods. “Ah, I see. Continue.”

“Anyway,” she continues, “before my dad went to jail, it was all taboo and fun but now that it’s so easy to get away with... kinda lost the shine.”

“Makes sense.”

“He’s not a bad guy or anything, but lately, he’s just kind of gotten a little clingy like he actually wants to start a relationship and that’s just not my thing.”

“So, you want to stop sleeping with him but you don’t want to disturb the peace in the process?”


Robbie shrugs. “You could tell him you met another guy,” he suggests.

“See, if I did that, then I’d have to provide info so he can be properly vetted because—”

“Bodyguard,”he finishes with a nod.


“That’s quite the pickle, Trix.” He scratches his nose. “Have you tried saying no?” Melanie slaps his shoulder. “What? It’s a serious question.”

“You had a tone,” she says.

He smirks in her direction. “Don’t you have a litter of newborns to feast on?”

Melanie frowns at him.

Trix tilts her head. “Won’t that piss him off?”

“Oh, it might,” Robbie says, “but any man who gets pissy over a simple no, thank you isn’t worth your time, Trix.”

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