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I smooth my hand around her waist and pull her body against mine. Her soft skin feels amazing, and my hand splays over her lower back, my other hand running up her side.

“Does everyone always do as you ask?” she asks me teasingly. Her hands slowly run up my arms, the water dripping down my bicep tickling me as she cups my neck.

“You tell me,” I say gruffly. “Give me those lips…” Not able to hold back a moment longer, I move my hand and tilt her chin up. Her lips lift a little at the sides in a small smile before she proves my point and leans forward, giving me exactly what I asked for.

I hug her tightly as her lips meet mine, and I kiss her softly, taking my time. My hand moves from her chin to cup her jaw as I deepen the kiss. The water keeps her buoyant in my arms, but I keep our bodies sealed together, liking the way we fit. Our kiss yesterday was passionate, desperate, and needy. This one is all those things but slowed down enough to feel everything fully. Deliberately.

“You are so good at that,” she murmurs on my lips, her body curving into mine. I feel her legs shift before they hook around my waist, and I drop my handsimmediately to cup her ass, my fingers digging under her swimwear as I squeeze her cheeks in my hands.

“You are… so fucking sexy,” I growl on her lips in between our kisses. Her body moves on mine, her fingers threading into my hair, her breasts pushing against my naked chest. The only thing between us is her flimsy bikini and my swim shorts, both doing very little to shield our desires from one another.

“Now if you had started with that instead of demanding I give you my property the first time we met, then we could have had a swim like this that much sooner,” she says cheekily, and I smile wide against her lips and let out a chuckle. She is right.

She pulls back to look at me. “With kisses like that, it kinda makes a girl feel wanted,” she says softly with a smile that almost makes her look dazed.

“With lips like yours, it’s hard not to want more,” I tell her straight as I take her lips with mine again, this time with more vigor. Holding her body to my wet chest, my hands cup her ass, one trailing up her back, touching her as much as I can.

“Tanner,” she moans as her hips grind into mine. I’m hard as stone at the sound of my name on her lips like that.

“Hey, what are you doing here, old man!” I hear someone yell, and I pull back sharply. Victoria gasps as her head swivels around, quickly looking in the direction over her shoulder where the voice came from.

“Shouldn’t you be in school?” I growl at the local boys who have turned up. All in their shorts and stripping off.They are generally good kids, but I know that they are currently playing hooky. Victoria’s grip on me tightens.

“We have a free afternoon, came for a swim. Good thing we found you; we don’t want an old guy like you having a heart attack down here. Looks like you were already getting mouth to mouth,” a kid I know as Joey says, and his friends all laugh.

“He’s a bit cheeky?” Victoria says, looking at me, her eyes sparkling in delight.

“Too cheeky for his own good,” I tell her as I look back at the boys, who are now running off the sides and jumping in the mineral springs, using the water as their own party pool. They are all teenagers, fit, tall, the zest of youth running through their bodies, and I have never felt older than I do now as I watch them all splash and play around. That was me once upon a time. Now my hair is gray, my face more wrinkled, yet I’m with this beautiful woman in my arms, who is now chuckling at the craziness of it all.

“There goes our serenity,” she says, smiling at me like I gave her the world. But she doesn’t move. Her legs remain wrapped around my waist under the water, her hands still looped around my neck. I run my hand up and down her bare back, enjoying the fact that she didn’t leap out of my arms in embarrassment when the kids arrived.

“You want to stay?” I ask, because I have no idea how long these kids will be here.

“Sure. I mean, if you do have a heart attack, I think we both know that I am very good at giving mouth to mouth,” she teases, and I growl, eliciting a loud cackle from her as she throws her head back, laughing out loud.I take the opportunity to kiss her glistening skin at her collarbone, making my way up her neck and back to her lips.

Never in a million years did I ever think I would be here doing this. Whispers has been like a sanctuary for me. Somewhere that people knew my history. I never even thought about bringing a woman whom I met from the city here. I kept the two lives very separate, because having a woman here in my town makes it real. Makes it serious. I can’t have a fling in Whispers, and now with Victoria in my arms and kissing her in front of the local teenagers, I am treading on thin ice because I am not sure she will even stick around.

But for the first time ever, I am willing to give it a try.



“Victoria?” I holler from her front porch.

The door is wide open, the screen still closed. After spending the entire day together at the spring yesterday, laughing, playing, touching, and kissing, I have been eager to see her again. I had so much work to catch up on overnight, which took twice as long as normal because all I could think about was how good she felt in my arms and how I want to get back to her to finish what we had started before the kids turned up. I was expecting her to jump from my arms and maybe run to cover herself, but she didn’t care that people saw us together. I know the small-town gossip is probably going into overdrive, but she laughed and stayed in my arms, not put off by any of it. I am a little nervous with her being so much younger, but she had no hesitations with it yesterday, so I hope she feels the same way I do.

“In here,” she calls out, seeming a little preoccupied. When I walk in, I see why.

“What’s all this?” I ask, spotting her sitting on the floor with a few boxes around her, paperwork and photos everywhere.

“Marie’s things.” She looks up at me, smiling, and just like that, I feel the stress in my shoulders soften and my dick harden. Today, she is wearing her signature bright-pink lipstick, making the blue of her eyes even brighter. I have no idea where the hell she has been all my life, but fuck, I am glad I met her now.She was in kindergarten, asshole,the devil on my shoulder reminds me.

“Anything interesting?” I ask her, taking a seat on her soft sofa, wondering if I could find something like this for my place. It feels like I am sitting on a damn cloud.

“Some old papers and things. I found this, which was interesting…” she trails off.

“What is it?” I ask as she hands me the paper.

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