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“It is a letter from my father to Aunt Marie. Looks like they had a dispute over this property a few decades ago. It was around the time that he brought Mom and me here for a visit,” she says, frowning as she thinks. My eyes skim through the letter. It isn’t nice. Her father is basically threatening Marie with legal action and a whole range of other things in order to get this property.

“Marie mentioned that it was her parents' place, but we never got into the details,” I murmur as I try to think back. Marie was always pretty private about her family life. I am sure my parents knew her parents, but they weren’t close.

“From this letter, and a few others I found like it, it seemed my father thought he was more entitled to the property than Marie. Although she was the older siblingand lived here already. My father skipped out of the family home when he was much younger, and I don’t think he ever returned until he brought me and Mom here years later.”

“Family disputes when a parent passes are common.”

“I know. But they sound nasty,” she says with a frown.

“As you said, it was decades ago. Your father has clearly moved on, given that I have never seen him around and Marie never said anything.” I try to calm her concerns, although mine are also heightened. I remember what Connor found on him, and now I really want to get some security cameras installed here.

“Anyway, enough about that. Look what else I found.” She lifts an old photo album, and I sit forward, looking down over her shoulder.

“Who is it?” I ask her, and she giggles, the noise making my heart thud.Fuck. Get a grip, Tanner.

“It is me,” she says, smiling, and I look closer, seeing a young Marie with a young girl on her lap. She’s blond with two cute pigtails, digging in the dirt. If I didn’t already know it was her, the pink bows might give me a hint. “I told you I was here before.”

“Marie looks young. Who is that in the background?” I ask, seeing a man.

“That’s my father. I barely recognize him. He left Mom and me when I was a kid. I haven’t seen him since.” I get the feeling that is not something she regrets or misses. I take a hard look at the man to see if I recognize him, but I come up blank, so I move the conversation in a different direction.

“This photo was taken a few years ago,” I murmur,looking at the landscape behind them, seeing the main distillery being built.

“I think I was about five or six,” she says, and I mentally do the math and realize she is even younger than Connor. I swallow harshly.

“Cute then and cute now,” I say, my gaze moving from the pictures and back to her.

“I bet you say that to all the girls,” she teases, looking up at me. She has a carefree expression on her face, and her long hair flows down her neck and over her shoulders.

“Only the special ones,” I tell her in jest with a wink. I can’t actually remember being this flirty with anyone else. Not in the bright light of day without a few whiskeys under my belt and certainly not in Whispers.

“Special as in good, or are you being sarcastic?” Putting the album down, she sits up on her knees. With me leaning forward on the edge of the sofa, we are now almost eye to eye.

“As in very fucking good,” I growl at her, and the temperature in the room lifts about two hundred degrees. Her hands run up my legs, and she positions her body between them.

“That swim yesterday was better than good before we got interrupted,” she whispers, her cheeks turning pink as her chest moves up and down a little quicker. My mind whirls at how good she felt, her bare skin, her moaning and grinding her hips against mine. We have bickered since we met, but there was always this underlying tension, and I want to rip these clothes off her and have her scream my name in ecstasy rather than frustration.I tried to go slow at the mineral spring yesterday, tried to be a gentleman, but now I am barely keeping it together.

“That swim was fucking phenomenal…” I reach out and cup her cheek, my thumb brushing against her jaw slightly as our eyes meet, knowing exactly how this is going to end.

“I vote we do that again.” Her breathy voice is my undoing.

“I second that motion,” I say, having been waiting for this moment all day. I move quickly and scoop her up off the floor and into my lap as a small squeal of surprise flees from her lips. Her legs fall on either side of mine and her hands run up my arms.

“That’s better… right here with me…” Pulling her face to meet me, I take her lips with mine. I’m greedy. It has been a long time since I felt like this, and I never want this feeling to end. When I sweep my tongue across her bottom lip, she opens for me, and I don’t hesitate to kiss her deeply. She tastes sweet, warm, and welcoming, her lips soft, and I bite the bottom one a little. She rewards me with a moan, the sound running from her mouth to mine and all the way down to my cock, which is now throbbing in my pants.

“At least we won’t get interrupted here,” she whispers against my mouth as she grinds down on me, her hands running up my neck and diving into the hair at my nape. She is right. No one is coming. It is just me and her and our desire for each other. I hold her tight, but with her on top, I let her lead. I know what I want, and now I need her to show me if she wants the same thing. But with the wayshe is moving and moaning and pulling my hair, I think I have my answer.

“It has been hard staying away from you today, baby girl.” The endearment feels so natural, and she whimpers in response, kissing me even more hungrily. My hands slip around her waist and grip her full, round ass cheeks, molding them in my hands.

“Tanner,” she pants as my lips leave hers and trail down her jaw, her head falling back, baring her neck to me.

“You are so fucking beautiful,” I murmur, captivated by the feel of her in my arms, the scent of her perfect skin, and the movement of her hips as they rub against mine. My hands lift from her ass, and I caress them up her back, cupping her waist and moving them around her front, my thumbs brushing against the sides of her breasts and back down again. Her body is incredible.

“Your hands feel like they are everywhere,” she says as I find her ass again and start moving her hips in rhythm with her little jolts. Fuck, it feels good. To have her in my arms, but to feel her grinding into me. My cock is burning for release, pressing so hard against my zipper from feeling her warmth.

“I want to touch you,” I tell her, and her breath hitches before she speaks.

“God, yes.” Her tongue delves into my mouth, tangling with mine, as my hands find the front of her sweats and glide underneath the waistband. When I hit lace with my fingers, I can’t hold back my groan.

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