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I’m still lost in the orgasm, in the way my body sings with his. What can I do besides nod while I pant and try to catch my breath?

“Good,” Silus whispers after I nod. “Good girl.” Again, a statement I might take issue with if it was anyone else saying it, but something about this man makes everything he says top-tier.

He releases my neck so he can better prop himself up over me, and the moment I open my eyes, I stare at his face, at the shadows hugging his features, as his movements turn more erratic. His thrusts draw out moans from us both, and all I can do is lay there and watch the man above me come with a vengeance.

His strong body slams against mine, his cock so deep inside me I swear I can feel it in my stomach. A ragged groan comes from his throat the same moment his eyelids slam shut and his upper half shudders. A warmth blossoms inside my core as his cum fills me up.

Normally, this is when the regret sinks in, but as I lay there, feeling his cum shoot out of his cock, I don’t feel anything remotely close to regret. The only thing I feel is… at peace, weirdly enough. Like this is where I’m supposed to be, where I’m meant to be.

Silus stays buried in me for a few seconds after he comes, but he doesn’t remain that way for long. Before I know it, he’s pulling himself out of me—but not because he wants to end this. No, he only pulls out of me so we can get beneath the covers and bring our bodies together again.

This time he rolls me onto my stomach as he kneels behind me. His large hands grip my sides and pull me to him so that I’m on my hands and knees for him, facing his headboard. I’m fairly sure I can feel some of his cum start to dribble out of me, but he doesn’t seem to mind—nor does he need a break, because without a moment’s hesitation, he slams himself into me again from behind.

Doggie style it is.

It’s rougher than before. The way he grips my sides, how his cock slams into me; it’s more carnal, more desperate, less about it being our first time together and more about, well, needing more.

More pleasure. More orgasms. Just more all around.

My tits sway with every hard thrust of Silus’s body behind me. He’s so strong I can barely hold myself up, but somehow I manage. The different angle allows him a deeper entry inside me. The man is rearranging my guts.

And it feels so good.

I don’t want him to stop. I don’t want this to end. It’s like we’re in another world, just the two of us, a world where we are the rulers, our pleasure the only thing that’s important.

As Silus slams into me, one of his hands leave my sides, curling around my hip and snaking its way to my clit. Swollen as it is, the moment he touches it I moan, and when he pinches the nub of flesh between his pointer and middle finger, I just about come undone.

You’d think a body could only take so much, so many orgasms, but you’d be wrong. With Silus behind me, fucking away wildly, and his fingers working my aching clit, my body is primed and ready to come again.

And it does. Fuck, it comes, and when the orgasm hits me, my arms give out and my face falls into the sheets, muffling the cry that escapes me. The only reason my back half remains upright is because of Silus’s firm grip on me and his hard cock piercing me from behind.

Everything becomes a blur after that. I don’t know how many more times he makes me lose it, but I do know that I become delirious after a while. Literally, the orgasms are like drugs, tiny little hits that make me soar, and his endless fucking is icing on the cake.

He’s a fucking god in bed. An animal. A monster. However you want to describe him. The man doesn’t stop. He has stamina that lasts and lasts and lasts; his cock never wilts, never loses an ounce of its hardness. Silus has me every which way. It gets to the point where my body is rubber, my bones too weak to hold myself up, and he simply arranges me how he wants me.

The man is ravenous, and only an endless supply of me can fill him and sate his hunger.

Honestly? We go for hours. We might go damn near all night. If I ever thought I was exhausted in my life before, it’s nothing compared to how I feel after a marathon of sex with Silus. Even breathing becomes difficult, and though my stomach gnaws in hunger, we don’t stop. We keep going.

I don’t know what time it is when Silus’s body finally falls next to mine, but I can say my pussy is worn out. The rim of my entrance is definitely on the sore side. Hell, it might be hard to walk after all that, not to mention the amount of cum that has leaked out of me in one way or another, drying either on my inner thighs or on the bed below.

My body is covered in sweat, and even though the fucking has stopped it’s near impossible for me to catch my breath. I’m still elevated, still primed. I don’t know how many orgasms I had, but if it wasn’t record-setting…

Silus breathes hard beside me, and he’s slow in rolling onto his side and curling an arm around me, holding me tightly against his body. I feel so small next to him, and yet, even though he kidnapped me, even though he’s probably the most dangerous man in this city, I don’t feel wrong with him. His arm around me, his body behind mine; it all feels right.

I feel protected, like he wouldn’t hurt me—which is stupid for obvious reasons. There’s no telling how long I can amuse a man like him. He’s used to having his pick of women. The only reason I intrigued him from the start was because I didn’t know who he was. That’s not really a basis for a relationship, kidnappings aside.

Still, as I lay there with him, our breathing syncs up, and I push those negative, doubt-filled thoughts out of my mind. Whatever is going to happen will happen whether I spend every waking second worrying about it or not. I need to just relax and focus on the mind-blowing sex and numbing amount of orgasms Silus gave me throughout the sex-capades.

Hey, not everyone can say they had their brains fucked, can they?

It’d be dumb as hell to imagine a future with Silus, for reasons that would be obvious to anyone who puts more than a passing thought to it. It’s even dumber for me, because I’ve never been one of those girls who daydreams about finding a man, getting married, and having kids. Thoughts like that just never came to me. I was always so focused on survival.

Still, before I drift off to sleep, I let myself imagine what a future might be like with Silus McLean.

The next morning I wake up with a yawn—at least, I assume it’s morning. I suppose, after such a long night, it might be well into the next day. I haven’t slept in till noon in, well, ever. Depending on what time it is, it might be a first for me.

After I yawn, I open my eyes, assuming I’m going to see daylight streaming in through the windows in Silus’s bedroom, but the only thing I see is darkness… and that’s because I’m not in Silus’s room anymore. I’m in mine.

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