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Alone and still very much naked, I realize, after sitting up and noticing my bare tits.

What the hell… did Silus carry me in here while I was sleeping? He couldn’t let me sleep in his bedroom after all that fucking, for fuck’s sake? God, what an asshole. I really do hate him, even if he fucks like a god.

I heave myself out of bed and throw on some clothes, and then I go to pound on the door. I don’t bother trying the doorknob; I know it’s locked, just like it’s always been. One night of wild fucking doesn’t automatically mean Silus trusts me. Frankly, I don’t know why I expected anything different.

“Hey!” I call out to him, not even knowing if he’s home. “Silus!” I keep pounding on the door, rattling it on its hinges.

Seconds pass, and those seconds turn into a minute before I hear the bolt on the other side of the door unlatch and Silus opens the door, standing there in a pair of black pants and a black, long-sleeve shirt neatly tucked into the waistband of his pants, held together by a—you guessed it—black leather belt. His midnight-colored hair is a little damp, slicked back, and his face is freshly shaven.

Fuck, the man is just as hot as he was last night. I see fucking him hasn’t changed my little crush on him.

But still, fuck this guy and the horse he rode in on.

“What the fuck?” I ask him when he says nothing. Seriously, the man stands there and stares at me like he’s waiting for me to say something, as if he, himself, has nothing to say to me at all. “What the fuck is wrong with you?”

He seems to think about it. “How long do you have?” Then his eyes glance around at the room behind me, and he chuckles to himself and adds, “Oh, yeah, you’ve got all day.” His own joke that, personally, I don’t find very funny.

“No, I’m serious. What’s wrong with you?”

“I don’t understand the question.”

I laugh, but it’s a bitter sound. “We just… you took me on a date last night, and then we came back here and—” A part of me doesn’t want to say it, but not saying it won’t change the fact that it happened. “—had sex.”

All Silus does is cock a brow.

“Okay, lots of sex,” I clarify, “and then you just throw me back into my room while I’m sleeping? That’s all kinds of fucked up, don’t you think?” I fold my arms over my chest, which causes him to drop his gaze to my tits… and I’m suddenly very aware that I only threw on a shirt and shorts and nothing underneath.

“Are you trying to lecture me on what’s fucked up, Thea? Because, if we take a hard look at both of our actions, you’ll find that I’m not the only fucked-up one here,” he tells me. “Besides, how fucked up can I be if I’m currently making you a hearty breakfast so you can regain some of the energy we spent last night?” As he says that, he smirks.

Fuck. Now that he brought up food… I am starving.

“Now, I will let you use the bathroom without me hovering,” he continues. “Clean yourself up, get dressed, and meet me in the kitchen. Prove to me you can be trusted, and maybe the next time we fuck, I’ll let you sleep in my room with me.”

He’s baiting me. He wants to see if I’ll try to run. It’s ridiculous, because he has my brother—and I don’t know where he’s keeping Max—so if I would run, I wouldn’t be able to save my brother. What kind of person does he think I am?How many more times do we have to go through stupid tests like this?

I force myself to roll my eyes and tell him, “Fine, but if you think there’s going to be a next time—” I flip him off and then exit the conversation, locking myself in the bathroom that has basically become mine shortly after.

Oh, jeez. Who am I kidding? Of course there’s going to be a next time. You don’t fuck like that just once. No, you fuck like that over and over again until the shiny newness wears off, until you get yourself used to it and then it’s easier to walk away.

Or, at least, that’s what I’m hoping will happen. The last thing I want is to become addicted to Silus. I can think he’s hot all I want, I can enjoy his dick all I want, but to start to crave him, to need him, to… to actually care for him?

That’s just asking for trouble.

Chapter Sixteen – Thea

I sit, cross-legged, on the edge of my bed, facing the TV hanging on the wall. Max’s image takes up most of the screen, his expression one of boredom. “You know,” Max starts, “if I would’ve known that this plan would backfire in our faces like this, I never would’ve suggested we try to kidnap a mafia boss. Contrary to what you might believe, being locked up in a tiny room is only slightly better than being chained to the floor in a creepy old warehouse.”

I don’t look at Max as I mutter, “Well, if you would’ve told me we were kidnapping a freaking mafia boss, I would’ve told you how stupid the idea was.”

“Hey, it might’ve backfired, but it wasn’t a stupid idea. We just got in over our heads, that’s all.” The way he says it, like he’s talking about buying the wrong kind of cereal at the grocery store, makes me sigh. “But hey, could be worse, right? We’re both still alive. Neither one of us is getting tortured.” He pauses. “Right?”

I’m too busy thinking of said mafia boss to realize my brother’s asking me a question.

“Uh, earth to Thea. Are you in there? Silus isn’t torturing you, is he?”

Snapping back to reality, I meet my brother’s gaze in the screen and say, “No.” In fact, the man has let me have more free rein in the house. I can go to the bathroom by myself without him standing outside, among other things. My world has expanded recently, due in no short part to the sex.

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