Page 94 of Our Little Secret

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I’m not sure how to respond so I ignore his text for the time being and that’s when I see Raegan moving through the crowd by herself. I make my way towards her before she can get back to the table and tug her into a corner away from any prying eyes or ears.

“Boyfriend?! Did you just make that up to get him to back off? Tell me fast. Or do I need to corroborate this story? I haven’t answered Liam’s text yet.” I bring my drink to my lips and Raegan pulls it away from my mouth to smell it.

“Marissa, maybe you should slow down. You’re going to be hungover tomorrow.” And fucked. “Are you going to sleep with Chris?”


I turn back towards the table and then to her. Chris and I haven’t talked about telling anyone other than Wes, and I don’t want to make this decision while I’m drunk but I do trust Raegan so I decide to go with a watered-down version of the truth. “I don’t know. Maybe.” I let out a sigh. “Okay, I’m going to tell you something but don’t freak out.”

She narrows her eyes and leans forward. “Oh god, what?”

“I’ve slept with him before.” Many times. In fact, I’m in love with him.

“What?!” Her eyes widen to the size of saucers and she puts a hand over her mouth.

“Before I worked here!” I let out a guilty laugh. “And since I’ve worked here.”

“Wow, oh my god. Wait…” She pauses. “You’ve worked here three years and wasn’t his divorce just recently finalized?”

“I didn’t know at the time.” I bite my bottom lip, preparing to lie to her for now. “I met him at a wedding. His childhood best friend was marrying my college roommate and we were both in the wedding blah blah blah. I get a little slutty at weddings; I don’t want to talk about it. His wife was not there and I don’t remember seeing a ring but I was very drunk. Nevertheless, he obviously did not tell me that.”

“Okay, so…how did that lead to you working here?”

“Coincidence? Karma? I don’t know. I got the job before I even realized he worked here. I slept with a married man; he didn’t exactly give me his credentials. It makes me cringe to think about what I did. I really am a girl’s girl.” And I hate that there was a period in my life when I was really anything but.

“I know.” She rubs my arm and I’m grateful that it seems like she’s not judging me unlike everyone else in my life when they found out.

“Please don’t think less of me.”

“I don’t!” she says, shaking her head.

“Okay good. That’s why I never told you or anyone that works here. I felt so ashamed after I found out. Imagine running into the guy who was the best sex of your life on your first day of work only to find out he’s your married boss.” I drain the rest of my glass and set it on a nearby high-top table. “Then Beckham screamed at me. Told you my day sucked.” I wince. “He told me he was leaving her and then everything got so complicated and then his wife actually found out about me and it was such a mess. So, I went to Paris. I fled, because…I fell for a married man. But I ended it. I told him we were done until he was completely single. No bullshit separation either. I stayed away for a while and now…”

“Now, he’s single and obviously very into you.” She nods toward him and when I turn around, I meet his gaze and a smile finds his lips instantly. “You guys are definitely getting back together. He hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of you all night.”

I turn back towards her and shake my head. “Okay, enough about me. Boyfriend?”

“Okay. Since we are trading secrets…”

“Oh my god!!” I squeal because I knew something was going on between her and Beckham. “I knew it. I knew it, knew it, knew it!” I say, tapping her nose each time. “He’s so down bad for you. I knew I wasn’t crazy.” I slap her arm. “How could you not tell me?! Since when?”

“Umm, the holiday party?” she answers weakly and I knew it was odd that she just disappeared out of nowhere.

I shake my head at her as a smirk plays on my lips. “I die! Of course. Oh my god. I need to know everything.”

“So, when were you going to tell me about Beckham and Raegan?” I say as soon as we slide into the backseat of our Uber.

He pulls me into his lap to straddle him even though I’m in a very short dress and grips my ass. “Do we have to talk about it now?”

“Umm, yes? That’s big! Does he love her?”

He closes his eyes and then opens one. “What did she say?”

“Well, she didn’t explicitly use that word but something tells me you may know more about his feelings.”

“He hasn’t told me either but as his best friend, yeah”—he nods—“I think he’s in love with her.”

“Holy shit!” I smile because now thinking about all of their interactions over the past six months, they really make the cutest couple. “Well…maybe with you both being in love with subordinates, you guys can change the fraternization policy.”

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