Page 93 of Our Little Secret

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“Can I come to your room later?” I whisper and his eyes light up as he pulls his drink to his lips.

“How about every night for the rest of your life?” he says behind his glass to mask what he’s saying from everyone else at the table.

I narrow my eyes at him. “That’s an odd way to propose,” I swirl my drink around my glass with the straw before taking a sip, “but yes.”

He bites down on his bottom lip, before letting out a chuckle. “I am going to ride your cunt so hard tonight.”

I’m about to respond that I’m ready to go do that now when Beth, a woman from marketing returns to the table with a bottle in her hand and Liam in tow. “Who wants a shot?” I see Liam behind her and he immediately looks at Raegan and then at Mr. Beckham.

“Didn’t realize you guys were coming out tonight?” Liam asks our boss quite ballsy before turning his eyes to Chris.

“This motherfucker,” Chris mutters under his breath. “I’m sorry, aren’t you using the company card to pay for all of this? Why wouldn’t we be here? He’s paying for it,” he says as he points at Mr. Beckham, and I giggle. “We can’t have fun too?”

Liam gives what seems like the fakest laugh before sitting down as Beth begins pouring a round of shots. “That guy needs to watch himself.”

I giggle. “Why do you say that?”

“I’ll tell you later,” he says and I don’t miss the way his hand runs down my back when he sits up to grab the shot. “So, I know you moved out recently. I’m a little hurt that I haven’t been invited over to see the new place.” The guy sitting on the other side of Chris turns to look at us and I can tell he’s hammered.

“Holt, we were thinking of hitting a different club, you want to go?” I hear the implication loud and clear that they are probably going to a strip club. I roll my eyes before turning to talk to Raegan but am hyper-aware of the next words that come out of his mouth.

“Nah, my girl wouldn’t like it.”

“Your girl?” My ears perk up because to my knowledge no one in the office thinks he’s dated since his divorce was finalized. “You don’t mean your wife, right?”

He snorts and I turn back towards their conversation. “Definitely not my wife. I mean she might be soon…” he starts and I’m about to interrupt before he goes down a road that ends with him outing us to the entire table, when I hear Liam from across the table announce that we are out of vodka.

“I’m going to get another bottle. Rae, you want to come with me?” I can feel Raegan tense next to me, and I shoot Liam a look that I wish he would understand so he can stop embarrassing himself.

“What, you need help?” Chris snorts and I elbow him as inconspicuously as possible. He gives me a side eye with a grin.

“No, I just wanted to chat for a bit.” He holds his hand out for Raegan and she gives a polite smile before she gets up and follows him out of the area. I don’t miss the look that briefly crosses Mr. Beckham’s face, and at this moment I am thoroughly convinced he’s in love with her so I decide to help him out in case he’s thinking Liam is a threat.

“I love Liam to death, but can he give it a rest?” I pick up the shot that Chris had poured for me and down it. “She’s not interested,” I sing, feeling the alcohol starting to warm my insides. I look at Chris who I see giving Beckham a look before his eyes turn back to me.

“What?” I ask, wondering why it seems like there’s a secret that I’m not in on.

“I’ll tell you later.”

“Tell me now.” I frown and he laughs.

“Oh, someone is feeling their drinks. Okay, but don’t react—” he starts but is interrupted when I hear Mr. Beckham’s voice.

“I think I’m going to head out.”

When I turn around, he’s standing up.

I think about the fact that Raegan may not be happy if she comes back and he’s not here. “Now?” I ask. I want to tell him to hang out for a little while, just to say goodbye to her, but he’s already heading towards the edge of the section. “Yeah, I have some work to do, and I want to get up early but you guys have fun.”

I turn back to Chris fully prepared to unleash my hypothesis about Beckham being in love with Raegan. “Okay, you know what I think?”

“What do you think, gorgeous?” He smiles while looking down at my lips and I can’t stop the giggle that leaves me. “You ready to go to my room?”

“Yes,” I tell him as I grab the glass that’s in front of me, wanting to finish it before I leave. “We probably shouldn’t leave together though. I’ll go first? I have to use the ladies’ room anyway.” I’m only a few feet from the table when my phone vibrates with a text from Liam.

Liam: Why didn’t you tell me that Rae had a boyfriend?

She does? Since when?

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