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“What do you think?” Addy asked, chewing his lip with worry. “Should I let them in?”


My mind went into a complete blank. I didn't think I could deal with this right now.

“I know this is a bad time for them to show up, but it would be nice to have your parents again, wouldn't it?” he asked.

In theory, yes, but...

“Just thinking about what they did makes me so mad, even now.”

I pressed a hand to my pounding heart, trying to calm it, and Addy's jaw tightened.

“Then I'm not letting them in. It's not worth it.”

He turned around, decision made, and relief swept through me. All this time, I had been unable to face them. Once, I saw om-mother at the end of the market and practically dove into the shop next to me to hide.

I'd been wondering if I should try to make amends soon, but it appeared that I wasn’t ready and I didn't know if I would ever be. For my al-mother to react so violently and om-mother to support her gave me a chill to think about. It didn't feel as though the overprotectiveness could have come from love. It felt more like possessiveness.

I shut my eyes and thanked the universe that Addy was sharp enough to make the hard decisions when I needed him to, because right now, in early labor, I could barely even think straight about what I wanted or needed.

He returned to the room, frowning. He looked so worried and ready for action, with his long hair tied back.

“Were they mad?” I asked.

He shook his head.

“They were upset, but not mad.”

I shut my eyes.

“Should I have accepted their visit?”

“No,” he said, sitting next to me and taking my hand. “You should not do anythingthat makes you uncomfortable, especially right now.”

With his free hand, he reached out and rested it on my belly. The baby immediately began to move, kicking and squirming.

“The poor thing can't wait to get out of there,” I gasped. “I can't blame them, either. I can't wait for this pregnancy to be over.”

Addy winced in sympathy.

“Your body will be your own again soon,” he said, patting the baby. “The medic should be here any moment now.”

No sooner did he say it, than a voice called from the livingroom.

“In here!” Addy called.

To my relief, it was Ifra who entered. After how he handled the situation on the day of our arrival and cared for Addy afterwards, I was sure that I was in good hands.

He had brought an assistant as well, and they immediately set about checking me.

I'd had multiple check-ups but aside from some blood tests, they had all been external.It was odd to have a different alpha going between my legs, but Addy held my hand and didn't seem to mind, so that gave me comfort.

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