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He didn't argue which I knew meant that he needed the rest.

“I don't get it,” he grumbled. “Alex workedthrough his pregnancy.”

“Perhaps humans are different.”

“Perhaps,” he agreed. “I'm just glad to be going through this with you... I can't wait to see what it looks like. I had a dream that I was holding a tiny pink-haired baby in my arms.”

“Pink?” I repeated, surprised. “Like Ossad?”

“No. More like a magenta.”

I could imagine it now. For some reason, I had never stopped to think of how our genes would cross, too distracted by the fact that a baby was coming in the first place. Babies often took one of their parents’ colors, but just as often, they mixed to create something new… With my bright, reddish orange, and Alil’s calm purple, magenta made sense.

“How sweet,” I whispered.

Suddenly, it all felt even more real.

“Do you think it will be an omega?” Alil asked. “Or an alpha?”

“I’m not sure.”

“I hope it’s an alpha,” Alil announced. “It would have the best role model.”

Touched, I held him a little bit tighter.

“It means a lot that you would think that after how I acted before.”

“But you have the humility to accept that you made mistakes. You have worked hard to fix them and make amends. Every day I am prouder to call you mine.”

My heart squeezed so tightly, I almost couldn’t breathe for a moment.

I looked up at the sky, remembering the utter darkness of the night I took Alil away. There had been no moon to guide us and yet we had still found each other. And now life was filled with nothing but light.

“Isn’t it strange?” I whispered. “There was no auction, yet it still feels like we are meant to be.”

“We are,” Alil said firmly. “By the goddess, if a mating happens, then it was fate. That is what I have always found strange about even needing the auctions.”

“But it was our choices that led to that moment.”

“Yes, but if it wasn’t meant to be, something would have intervened. We never would have been successful.”

It was an interesting thought, one I had never considered.

“So it doesn’t matter that I never fought for you.”

“That is what they say,” Alil mused. “A bonding is always fate.”

“That’s why everyone was so accepting of Latif and Blaine,” I said, finally understanding.

He nodded and nuzzled my neck, tickling me with his breath.

“Yes, and perhaps their union was needed to make you act out in such a way that I did not enter the priesthood and instead mated with you.”

I shook my head.

In that train of thought, everything felt like a constellation, all leading to our little baby. A bright star. No, a sun.

And I had no doubt that our child would be another point of bright happiness in our lives and the lives of those around us.

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