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Addy reached out weakly for my hand, and I took it at once.

“Help me stand,” he said. “I think I'm okay.”

Before anyone could argue, he tried to sit and immediately cried out in pain and collapsed against the floor.

I gasped, shaking and pressed my hand on his shoulder in case he tried to do that again.

His om-father had a hand clapped over his mouth, his eyes wide with fear.

“Your al-mother did this?” Head Alpha Kion asked, his gaze dark.

I nodded.

“She will be dealt with accordingly,” Eisa said, ominously.

“But how could you blame her?” my om-mother demanded, voice trembling. “Our child was taken from us and returned bonded!”

“Om-mother...” I whispered, somehow drawing everyone's attention despite my quiet voice. “Please leave.”

She looked as though I had slapped her. I shut my eyes.

“I cannot deal with this right now.”

One of the alphas took her by the arm and led her outside. I could hear the alpha comforting her as they walked away and felt like I was going to collapse as the adrenaline faded.

The fight was over. Now we had to deal with the aftermath.

I looked down at Addy. His eyes were drooping, sleep taking him, but I felt completely normal. Did that mean that he was going to survive? Surely if he was dying I would know...

The fact that he hadn’t even defended himself burned me inside. Did he still think he deserved to be punished? Or was he really as gentle a soul as I’d always thought?

“Tell us what happened?” Kion asked gently.

I swallowed, and shut my eyes, trying to find reality again. This still felt like a bad dream.

“Addy asked me to come away with him to talk. I snuck off to meet him and he took me to his friends... They attacked me and took me and the other omegas away,” I said.

Addy's om-father drew a sharp breath but I met his gaze firmly.

“Addy didn't know,” I said. “He was misled. You know how impressionable he is. He tried to fight them, but it was too late.”

His om-father shut his eyes and nodded. I could see the relief in his features. He knew as well as I did that Addy was stubborn and easily misguided, but good-hearted.I would fight to my last breath to prove it... If only everyone had the chance to get to know him better, they would see it for themselves.

Suddenly, a group of three medics bustled in behind Ifra.

They were carrying supplies, including a stretcher to take Addy somewhere, but Ifra stopped in his tracks at the sight of his full office and shook his head.

“Everyone must leave,” he said, firmly. “There has been enough drama for one night and these two need to rest.”

“Will they be okay?” Addy's om-father asked shakily and Ifra seemed to take some pity on him because he bent down, examining Addy quickly.

“He probably will be,” Ifra said, “but how about you stay, to be sure.”

He nodded, looking relieved while Ifra turned to everyone else.

“The rest of you must go. Now.”

“I will fill you in on the rest,” Naz said to the alphas and led the way through the door with Samar trailing behind.

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