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Addy was bloody and weak. My own al-mother had done this to him and I would never be able to forgive her. From now on, she was gone from my life.

I felt like everyone I loved was slipping through my fingers. What if Addy died right here and now, taking me and our child with him...?

I couldn't bear the thought.

I shut my eyes, barely able to breathe, heart racing as I listened, until finally the shouting stopped.

One voice rang above the others, demanding an explanation.

Numbly, I stood, approaching the doorway to look at the scene outside.

There were countless nassa. My al-mother was being held by two alphas. My om-mother stood near me. She reached out to me at once, gripping my hand. I didn't pull away but I couldn't bring myself to look at her, either.

Alphas from the council were here and it was Kion, the leader, who shouted as though scolding young children.

“Someone explain!” he demanded.

“The missing omegas have returned, and my son has been mated!” my al-mother shouted furiously. She struggled against the alphas holding her and I had no doubt she would blindly kill Addy if she could. “That bastard took him against his will!”

All eyes turned toward me, and I almost wished my al-mother's rash attack had been successful. Dying seemed preferable to facing all these sympathetic eyes.

“He didn't force me,” I said.

My voice came out so quiet, yet everyone listened, and I had no doubt they could hear me. I looked at my al-mother.

“You know you would kill me too, right?” I asked, and for the first time, my al-mother seemed to get it. Her eyes widened and she sagged.

“Where were you?” someone asked, but before I could even think to answer, Naz spoke up, just like he'd promised to.

“We were hoping to speak to the council first,” he said, directing his attention to Head Alpha Kion. “Before too many rumours could spread.”

Kion looked around at the group and then turned to the other council members who stood nearby.

He whispered to them and after a moment, they all nodded and dispersed. Two of them went to my al-mother, two others went to Addy’s al-mother and they were taken by the arms and lead away.

“To all who were a part of this, I ask that you wait for news from your council before spreading any allegations.”

I admired the cool authority that the head alpha possessed. With one sentence, everyone began to leave, and a small sliver of hope returned to me.

The remaining members of the council approached me where I still stood. My om-mother hadn't gone anywhere and neither had Naz or Samar. They all looked as shaken as I felt.

“Come,” Alpha Kion said, let us talk inside.

Nodding, I turned back to the sight that would plague me for the rest of my life.

My poor, sweet Addy was spread out on the floor in his own blood. His skin was so pale, but his bright eyes were open, peering over at us.

At his side, his om-father sat, holding his hand and looking like his life was over.

At the sight, the alphas rushed inside to help.

“Where is the medic?” one of them demanded.

I was so distracted it had taken me until this moment to realize that it was Eisa. I knew him through Devin, but not particularly well. Even so, it was a relief to see someone familiar here to help us.

“He went to get the other medics,” Addy's om-father said weakly and then he looked up at me, hopelessly. “How did this happen?”

“It’s a long story,” I whispered, lowering myself at Addy's other side.

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