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He paused at the doorway, looking back at us.

“Good luck.”

“Thank you,” I whispered even though I knew we needed more than luck.

I stood back, watching as Addy's limp form was lifted onto the fabric and then hoisted into the air. They carried him toward the door and me and his om-father followed without needing to be told.

In the hospital building, Addy was laid out onto a bed and then I watched in horror as they began to cut his robe off to see the damage.

I had seen superficial wounds heal in minutes before. The worst one I could remember was when the first human, Alex, had gone to auction. His mate Saar had received what looked like a nasty slice from a long sword and by the time the festivities were over it had been nothing but a thin scar.

The thin slice he had received across the cheek was already gone, but the wounds on his torso were numerous and deep.

And from my own blood.

Al-mother hadn't even waited to hear what we had to say and Om-mother had stood by her side... I had never felt so betrayed.

Watching Addy now, I felt as though my heart was breaking.

“You shouldn't be watching this,” his om-father whispered.

I shook my head.

“I'm not going anywhere.”

Instead, I took a seat next to him and together we watched as Addy was meticulously dabbed and doused with disinfectants and inevitably stitched in the spots that looked too gruesome.

“Internally, is he okay?” I finally found the strength to ask.

They had been talking amongst themselves, but too quietly for me to follow. I was far too distracted.

Ifra looked over at me as though just remembering that I was there.

“Oh dear,” he muttered. “I was distracted from my original patient.”

Addy's om-father looked at me sharply.

“Are you not well?” he asked.

I shrugged.

“I am fine.”

“You are dehydrated and need rest,” the medic argued. “You need to drink something for your stomach and get a good meal down.”

I shook my head.

“Please don't worry about me,” I argued.

“I will take care of him,” Addy's om-father interrupted. “I have everything he may need at home.”

“What? No, I cannot leave Addy.”

“Will you send for us as soon as you are done treating him?”

“Of course,” the medic reassured him. “You go get some food and water into that one.”

I hesitated for a long moment, unsure what to do. I hadn't been apart from Addy since before we had bonded. It felt like it had just been us for ages and I didn't want that to change. I didn't want to leave him.

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