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“What about you two?” I asked, trying to change the subject. “How did you come to be in possession of this thing?”

They exchanged a look before answering.

“We ran to the jungle and managed to hide for some time,” Naz said. “Our plan was to find you all—the other omegas, but we didn't have any luck and Kazm and Fari were following us.”

“Oh Goddess,” I breathed. While we were out in the oasis enjoying ourselves, these two were living in fear, being hunted down like animals.

“It wasn't all bad,” Samar said quietly. “At least we were together.”

I nodded. I could only imagine how much worse it would have been if they had been on their own.

“You're lucky to be alive,” I said. “The Baytana jungle is not a safe place.”

Naz frowned deeply.

“We are fairly certain that we saw Ekti run towards the jungle as well, when he was being chased by Ossad, but there was no sign of either of them.”

My stomach sank at the realization that one of the innocent omegas was probably still out there in the wilderness…

“What about Fari and Kazm?” Addy asked from the back.

Samar gritted his jaw and looked back at Addy.

“They deserve whatever happened to them,” he said ominously.

I bit my lip, barely able to breathe.

I had a feeling that something bad had happened to them and that Naz and Samar knew it. And although I didn't like either of those alphas, I wasn't sure I would want them dead or anything like that.

“They betrayed us all,” Addy said tersely. “But at one point, I did consider them to be my friends...”

A tense silence filled the car. My hands started to shake and stomach squirm. It was significantly faster than walking, and the wind while we drove was better than the still heat, but this damn contraption was so bumpy. And all this… it was too much.

“Pull over,” I gasped.


“Pull over!”

Naz swerved and we were all jostled before the wheels stopped and I practically leaped over Samar's lap, tumbling into the sand on hands and knees before I started to puke.

It felt horrible, like I was squeezing the insides out of an empty bottle. My throat burned from the acid, my eyes stung and my entire body shook. The only comfort I had was Addy's presence because he was right there by my side, stroking my back and holding my hair away from my face, patiently waiting with me.

The moment the bile and scarce bit of food were all out, I sagged sideways, letting him catch me while I caught my breath.

When I could finally look at him, his eyes were like storm clouds, they were so turbulent, and I knew that was because of Naz and Samar.

The other two omegas were not keeping their judgments to themselves. They hated him and what he had done to me. It was so unfair. And when we reached the city, it would be multiplied by all those who resided there; our families, friends and everyone else would think less of him.

Perhaps I should not have asked for this bond after all...

“Do you feel any better?” he asked, obviously misreading my despair for illness. I shook my head and struggled to my feet.

“Get our stuff,” I whispered.

“Alil... we'll be home in a few hours. If you can just hang on until then?—”

“No. I can't take it.”

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