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I was confused, but all the tension left my body at the familiar sight of Naz's long auburn hair flipping around in the wind. Next to the priest, I spotted someone with teal hair and knew it could only be Samar.

Relief swept through me and I couldn't stop smiling.

How had they gotten the buggy?!

When they drove close enough for us to make out their faces, both were frowning and looking very serious. I was pretty sure they were glaring, maybe even suspicious, since I was with one of the alphas who had kidnapped us. I didn't care so long as they picked us up. We could deal with any issues later.

Finally, they drew to a stop in front of us.

There was a moment when everyone looked at each other before anything was said, and then Naz, taking the lead, climbed out of the driver's seat and approached me. Samar followed behind.

They both stopped a few feet away.

“Naz, Samar,” I said. “You have no idea how glad we are to see you. We have been walking the desert for two days, trying to get back home.”

Naz kept looking at me, his lips pursed at the corners and then he sagged a little and stepped closer, reaching out to grip me by the shoulders and look into my eyes with his warm auburn gaze.

He smiled sadly.

“I am glad we found you,” he said but there was guilt in his eyes and his voice. “I only wish it had been sooner.”

It was that moment that I realized they wouldn't look at Addy. They knew.

And they weren't happy about it.

“It's not what it looks like,” I said quietly, almost wishing Addy wasn't at my side for this conversation, but I couldn't shield him from what people would say. It would only get worse when we got home.

“It looks like you are mated,” Samar said bluntly.

“And pregnant,” Addy said, speaking for the first time.

I bit my lip, wishing I didn't have to see the despair in Naz's eyes and the shock in Samar's.

At my side, Addy swallowed audibly.

“Look, all that matters is that Alil needs to get back home. We will deal with any other repercussions after he has been seen to by a medic.”

Naz and Samar exchanged a look and then nodded resolutely. Apparently they had silently decided to move on from the topic, because Samar even helped Addy with the bags, despite the fact that he didn't need the help.

Naz took my hand, leading me to the car.

He put me into the seat in the middle so that I would be between him and Samar, almost as though to protect me. That in itself hurt a great deal.

He would never hurt me now, and he never would have before.

They started the engine, and we began to drive but all I could think about was defending Addy.

“Where were you two all this time?” Naz asked. “Surely not in the desert.”

“No,” Addy agreed. “We found the oasis where they had planned to take us. There were enough supplies there to stay for much longer if Alil hadn't fallen ill.”

“You mean, if you hadn't impregnated him,” Samar grumbled.

My stomach squirmed, but Addy nodded.

“Yes, exactly. He hasn't been very well for a few days now.”

“Of course not,” Naz said. “An omega has certain needs in early pregnancy, needs that couldn't be met in an oasis in the middle of the desert.”

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