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Two of them were frowning, shifting uncomfortably as they began to wake. The third was already wide awake, sitting upright, his auburn eyes wide.

He was breathing hard, taking a moment to look at each of us.

When he turned his scared eyes on me, my heart nearly stopped. I wouldn't do anything to him. But he didn't know that. I was a random alpha who had abducted him.

I swallowed, trying to find calming words.

“It's alright,” I said. “We won't hurt you. We only wish to speak to you.”

He shook his head like I was insane.

“If that was true, you could have spoken to us in the city. You wouldn't have stolen us against our will.”

His eyes darted down to Alil's form, still asleep in my arms and I knew it looked bad.

Suddenly, our entire plan seemed weak and ridiculous.

How the hell was anyone going to believe that our hearts were in the right place?

How would anyone forgive me for this?

Suddenly, the other two omegas woke with a start. The looks on their faces said quite clearly that they were about to panic.

“Dammit,” Kazm muttered from the front seat. “I had really been hoping that you would all wake up when we got there.”

“Got where?” the first omega demanded. “Where are you taking us?”

He was trembling.

“To our new home,” Fari said, turning to grin at the auburn haired omega. “One where the properway of living will not be disrupted. Where Alphas rule and omegas serve.”

I frowned, shaking my head.

“No. That's not—you said we would only speak to them. To make?—”

“Make them see our way!” Kazm raved. “Exactly! And the omega priest is my most exciting conquest!”

He looked back at the omega in question and shock reverberated through me. My eyes widened in horror.

He had kidnapped the omega priest, Naz,from his temple?That was beyond wrong. Naz was not even supposed to be seen by alphas and yet here he was sitting next to me, surrounded by them.

If Kazm cared about restoring our traditional ways, he would not have gone near him.

My heart was thudding hard in my chest, fear and betrayal rising inside me.

At my side, the other three omegas were clasping each other's hands as though they were being taken to their deaths. Then, suddenly Alil shifted in my arms.

He made a soft, uncomfortable sound, his breath growing heavy against my ear.

No. Not now.

I wanted to take him back. To set back the clock and undo everything that had happened tonight.

“This isn't what we agreed to,” Ossad was saying tensely in the front. “I would not have participated if I thought we weren't taking them back. We musttake them back.”

“We had no choice but to tell you what we did,” Fari argued. “We knew you two needed time to see our way.”

“Give us a chance to convince you. You will see when we arrive...”

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