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Suddenly, Alil sat up with a gasp, just as awake as the others.

His purple gaze flew around, absorbing what he saw. Three other scared omegas, four alphas, arguing about keeping them forever and a human vehicle traveling through the middle of the desert as the sun rose.

His eyes fixed on me.

“Addy,” he whispered. “What have you done?”

I couldn't answer. There was no good explanation I could give.

“I—I didn’t know—” I attempted but he wasn’t listening.

His eyes met Naz's and something passed between them.

Alil glanced past me to the sand whipping by.

“Don't,” I said, my hands tightening on him.

He gave me a frustrated look and then all hell broke loose.

Ossad reached over Fari, grabbing the wheel.

“Take us back!” he shouted, pulling it.

The vehicle swerved. We were all nearly thrown out the open sides and in the moment that Kazm took trying to right the wheel, it slowed.

“Now!” Naz shouted and practically pushed the omegas out the door.

“No!” Fari screeched and shoved Ossad out onto the sand. “Go after them!”

Before Fari could jump out and do the same, Kazm hit the pedal and the vehicle jerked forward, wheels spinning on the sand to go after them.

“Let me go!” Alil shouted, fighting against me.

“You'll fall!”

“I don't care!”

He shoved me hard enough that he wrenched free.

I watched in horror as he fell from the side door. His body hit the ground with a spray of sand and the wheels narrowly missed going over him.

“Stop!” I shouted.

To my surprise, Kazm did.

“Go get him!” he growled at me. “We'll get the others.”


“Head toward the oasis!” he shouted as they drove away.

I stood there for a moment, watching the havoc ensue.

Two of the omegas were running like their lives depended on it but Kazm caught up to them with ease.

Heading another way, the other omega was being chased on foot by Ossad.

And in the complete opposite direction, Alil was running, straight into the open desert as the sun rose.

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