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I carried him to the buggy and then, rather than releasing him, I climbed onto one of the free seats with him still held safely in my arms.

The others did not hesitate, crowding into the front of the large thing. Kazm took the driver's seat and when the automobile burst loudly to life, I understood why they were in a rush.

It would have been heard if the night was quiet, but I could still hear the noise, even over the sound of the machine as we began to drive.

Still, I wished they had warned me of what the plan was going to be. I didn't like that Alil had been attacked. He had trusted me and I had led him into a trap... I hadn't thought of it that way until after the fact though. I'd thought we would talk right here, convince him oer the course of a few hours before walking him back home…

Yes, we would be vilified at first but Alil had followed me this far, what was to stop him from following me until the end? What was to stop him from standing at my side through everything that was to come?

He did not move as we drove into the night. His body remained a dead weight. When I looked at the other three stolen omegas, they were equally unconscious.

A chill travelled through me at seeing their slack faces, but then the buggy lurched as we went off the beaten paths of the city and onto the desert sand, leaving society behind us.

And just like that, it was done.

I had turned my back on my own people.

I was forging my own path with the other alphas of my group.

I should have felt victorious for the new order of alphas, but I didn't. I was nervous about what was to come.

Ossad looked back at me, his pink gaze raking over Alil in my arms.

“He came willingly. Hopefully that means he will stay willingly as well.”

I swallowed and nodded.

I hoped that he was right because the idea of fighting with him, of having to convince him made me feel sick. What would Kazm do if these omegas tried to run? Tie them up so they would listen?

Alil had never been anything other than kind to me. As young children we had been friends. As adults we had gotten along when we saw each other, always surrounded by escorts of course. I couldn't imagine him trying to fight with me.

The bigger issue was that having him in my arms was making me feel like I did not want to let him go. Not ever again.

I shut my eyes, trying to ignore his weight in my lap and the soft hairs tickling my face as the air brushed through the strands.

“Where are we going?” I finally thought to ask.

“There is an oasis,” Fari said, turning to look at me over his shoulder. “It is directly south, from Diwan. We will reach it by morning.”

I looked dubiously at the omega in my arms and shook my head.

“Will they sleep for that long?” I asked.

“They should,” he answered. “But even if they don't, where will they go?”

I supposed that was a good point. There would be nowhere to go except open desert or, even worse, the jungle.

Above us, the stars were bright enough to light the way, especially in the stretch of sand we barrelled through. Kazm seemed to follow the line of the jungle, perhaps using it for direction.

At first, I kept looking back, sure that we were being followed, but asthe hours passed, my eyelids began to droop. My head fell onto Alil's and I fell asleep as I relished the moment, my cheek on his soft hair.

The vehicle jerked and my eyes flew open.

For a moment, I was lost as I sat upright because everything was different. There was a pain in my neck, my legs were numb and the sky was lighter, the stars almost all gone.

I blinked, looking around, seeing the alphas glance toward the back with tense expressions.

Then my gaze landed on the other omegas.

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