Page 72 of Memories of You

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As he bent to pick up more tools, I turned to leave, feeling a new lightness in my chest. An apology was a small step, but it was a step forward nonetheless. With the weight of destructive patterns lifting from my heart, I wandered toward the Big House. I had so much to look forward to, so much to be grateful for.

My mind drifted to Aiden, and an involuntary smirk tugged at my lips. Our incredible night together—and this morning too—replayed like a favorite song that you can’t help but put on repeat. And how many more could we look forward to now?

The expanse of lawn where the festival had been held stretched out before me. It seemed different now, like a stage after the performance that still hinted at the sounds of laughter and music. But for me, the echoes were also whispers of newfound perspective, eyes no longer afraid to see what was directly in front of them—a chance at love, at happiness, that I had almost let slip by.

Approaching the house I’d grown up in and now called home again, my gaze narrowed at the sleek black SUV parked out front. Hunter’s car. I hadn’t realized he was visiting today, but then again, I’d taken off immediately after Matt’s arrest.

I pushed open the kitchen door, the familiar creak a comforting welcome, and was greeted by a sight that warmed me more than the sultry Keys air ever could. Dad, Evan, and Hunter were gathered next to the sink. The sight of these two brothers casually leaning against the counter, together, sent a surge of deep emotion through me. For a moment, I let myself indulge in the rare harmony before joining their huddle.

“Hello there, guys,” I said, reaching for the pitcher on the counter and pouring myself a glass of lemonade. “What’s up?”

“We were just discussing the situation about Matt,” Dad said.

“At least that’s over now,” I said, then glanced at the floor. “I just apologized to Ben Coleridge. He took it better than I thought he would.”

Dad reached out to grip my shoulder. “People change, and it takes courage to admit you were wrong. I’m proud of you, sweetie.”

Then he turned to Hunter. “I’m proud of you too. Your plan worked beautifully. I honestly couldn’t believe someone was stealing from us.” His brow furrowed with regret, adding, “Shame it had to be someone we trusted.”

Hunter’s jaw clenched ever so slightly, then he nodded. “Thanks, Dad. It’s done now. But I don’t care if you’re sick of hearing me say it. You need a security team. More than just cameras. Calypso Key is growing, more guests, more events—more risks.”

“You’ve mentioned that before,” I added before taking a sip of tart lemonade.

“Absolutely,” Hunter insisted, his eyes flickering with a passion I hadn’t seen in a long time. He always did have a protective streak a mile wide.

“I agree, and I’ve been making calls all morning,” Evan chimed in, pushing off from the counter and crossing his arms. “There aren’t any agencies around here, and the ones in Key West and Marathon are booked solid. No one is accepting new clients. We’re kind of at a dead end here.”

“We can’t exactly expect the guests to fend for themselves,” I added. The Markhams might have been known for many things, but poor hospitality wasn’t one of them.

“Security isn’t just about reacting. It’s about anticipating and keeping your eyes open,” Hunter said, as if he were addressing a prospective client instead of his family in a sunlit kitchen. “You don’t wait for the storm to hit to start boarding up windows.”

I leaned back against the cool granite of the kitchen island, letting the sharp sweetness of lemonade play on my tongue. Hunter was pacing now, a caged predator. I watched him, and the idea that came to me was so complete, and so perfect, I couldn’t believe I hadn’t thought of it earlier. I took in his towering, muscular physique, his short, trimmed beard, and that hushed, efficient way he moved with every step.

“You know, Hunter.” My voice was steady despite the butterflies that had just alighted in my stomach. “Maybe it’s time you put your money where your mouth is. Why don’t you start your own security agency?”

He stopped mid-stride, turning to face me with a quizzical arch of his brow. “Excuse me?”

“Think about it,” I pressed on, feeling the conviction in my words. “You’ve got the expertise, and you obviously have a passion for it. And it’s clear there’s a need here. From what Evan just said, it sounds like there’s an opportunity in the Lower Keys just waiting for someone to grab it.”

The room fell silent, Dad’s and Evan’s eyes bouncing between us like spectators at a tennis match. Hunter’s gaze remained fixed on me.

“Start my own…” His voice trailed off, and for a moment, something flickered behind his guarded expression. Doubt? Excitement? Maybe both. His eyes slid to Evan, evaluating the reality of the two of them living near each other again.

“Stella might be on to something,” Dad interjected. “This resort is more than a business—it’s our home. Who better to protect it than one of our own?”

“I don’t know, Dad.” Hunter ran a hand through his hair, a telltale sign of his mind racing. He looked out the window, where the ocean lay calm and inviting. “Starting a business, coming back home… it’s not a decision to take lightly.”

“Of course not.” Offering a supportive smile, I kept from wringing my hands together. “But sometimes the biggest risks lead to the greatest rewards. And you’ve never been afraid of risk, have you?”

For a long, contemplative moment, he didn’t respond. Then his eyes slowly traveled over the three of us, lingering on Evan. Evan gave a firm nod back.

“We’d all be here to support you,” Dad added.

Hunter stood completely still, the wheels in his head almost visible. “Okay. I’ll look into it.”

A swell of pride filled me as I watched him embrace the idea. The spark in his eyes spoke of possibilities and new beginnings—a light that seemed to chase away the shadows that had lingered there for so long.

The room seemed to exhale, a collective release of tension as Hunter’s decision hung in the air like a promise. I sensed it was the perfect moment to shift the atmosphere from serious to celebratory.

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