Page 73 of Memories of You

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“Speaking of new beginnings. I have something to share myself.” All eyes swiveled toward me, and a flutter of excitement danced in my chest. “Aiden and I are officially a couple. Again. For good this time.”

“Is that so?” Evan’s eyebrows shot up, his playful smirk betraying his feigned surprise. “I wondered if he was the reason you bolted out of here yesterday.”

I nodded. “The situation with Ben made me realize I was being blind with Aiden too. Fortunately, I wasn’t too late. He put up with a lot from me, and we had some stuff to work out… but we did.”

Dad gave me a one-armed hug. “I’m glad to hear that.”

“And I’d love for him to be in on one of our family get-togethers,” I said. “How about a family picnic at one of the deserted keys? I can’t think of a more perfect way to introduce him. Again.”

“Sounds like a great idea!” Dad said, his eyes crinkling at the corners.

“We could try for Sugar Beach,” Evan added. “That place is pretty amazing if we can time it right.”

“I love that idea!” My mind was already working on the possibilities.

As we basked in our plans, the kitchen door swung open with a gentle creak. Gabe strode in, wearing workout gear. He raised a brow, all easy confidence. “I was just on my way to work out in the gym.” He wandered over to our little cluster. “What’s going on here?”

“Perfect timing,” Dad said. “We were just discussing a picnic for the whole family so Stella can officially show off Aiden. And there’s one other big news item.” He told Gabe about Hunter’s decision to come home.

Gabe whirled to his little brother, who was several inches taller. “Seriously?”

Hunter tilted his head back and forth, equivocating. “Maybe. I’ll look into it, but there could be an opportunity for a new security agency here. My boss is driving me up the wall and a couple of guys I work with would likely come with me. We’ll see what happens.”

Gabe embraced him, and they slapped each other’s backs. Evan stayed out of it, but his posture was easy. I took comfort in that.

Dad grinned around the group. “I’m thinking we’re going to need extra room for this get-together. Let’s take Shark Bait.”

“I’ll drive if you want,” Gabe offered.

Evan turned to me. “When were you thinking?”

“Probably not for a couple of weeks. It will take that long to clear all our schedules, and Gabe will need to check the marine forecast. I’m so excited!” I pressed my hands together and even Hunter smiled.

Gabe leaned against the counter, his gaze sliding over to Evan with a teasing glint. “Did you tell her yet?” he asked, nudging his head in my direction.

Evan’s grin widened, and he shook his head. “Nope. Why don’t you do the honors?”

That made my ears perk up. “Tell me what?”

“Let’s just say,” Gabe said, his smile growing sly, “that your next trip to Dove Key to see Aiden is going to have a little extra… scenery.”

“Scenery?” My imagination ran wild with possibilities. “What are you talking about?”

“You’ll see soon enough,” Gabe teased. “Keep your eyes peeled when you cross from our island to Dove Key.”

“Fine.” I sighed, feigning annoyance while secretly delighted by the prospect of a surprise. “Keep your secrets. For now.”

Gabe shrugged, refusing to tell me. Then pushed off the counter and headed toward the gym. “You’ll know it when you see it. See you guys later.”

Hunter straightened and set his empty glass of lemonade on the counter. “Well, I’d better start scouting locations if I’m going to open a new business.” He shot me a smile when I couldn’t contain my applause. He was really, really thinking about moving home!

“I need to split too,” I added, placing my empty glass in the dishwasher. “There’s a certain someone I need to see.”

After a series of hugs, I dashed upstairs, the weight of the day lifting off my shoulders with each step. In my room, I changed into a sundress that fluttered against my skin—a splash of light red that brought out the warm tones in my complexion, according to Liv. My heart thrummed with anticipation.

Driving north, the familiar landmarks of Calypso Key blurred past my open window, the salty breeze playing with loose strands of my hair. As I approached the bridge that connected my world to Aiden’s, something new caught my eye—a billboard on the other side of the road, its back turned toward me like a secret waiting to be unveiled. Curiosity tugged at me until I pulled over just beyond it. I stepped out of the car, the sun kissing my cheeks as I crossed the road to face the huge sign.

I stumbled to a halt, my jaw dropping open.

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