Page 13 of Kiss Me Quick!

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Of course. Just send me their name so I can put them on the list and get them credentials.

Thanks. I haven’t asked him yet, but I’ll let you know in the next few days if he’s coming or not.

Liam replied with a thumbs-up emoji, and Wil switched over to his text thread with Ben.

Are you free for a lunch date on Sunday?


I can be. I have a weekly call with my parents in the morning, but I can move it to earlier.

How does 12.30 sound?


Sounds good. Where are we going?

Not sure yet. Any preferences?


No. Happy to be surprised.

Any allergies or food you won’t eat?


No allergies, but not a huge fan of mushrooms.

Great. See you then.


Ben leaned against the stone wall that flanked the steps leading into the dorm. It was a mild spring day, and he tilted his face towards the pale sunlight, allowing its warmth to envelop him. He glanced over towards Bryant House, which sat across the massive quad from his own dorm. It amazed him he and Wil had never bumped into each other during their time at Wyndham, which had been almost four years.

He straightened when he saw Wil’s tall figure striding towards him, with what looked like a cooler bag in his hand. Ben walked towards Wil and met him halfway. Wil gave him a wide grin in greeting, and then they both hesitated, neither sure what the protocol was for meeting with someone you’d kissed twice, but this was your first date.

Ben solved the problem by popping up on his toes and pecking a kiss on the corner of Wil’s mouth. In return, Wil slid an arm around his waist and gave him a squeeze.


“Hi,” Ben parroted back. Nodding towards the bag, he asked, “Whatcha got there?”

“Seeing as it’s a nice day, I thought we’d have a picnic, if that’s okay with you?”

“I’d really like that. Where are we going?”

Wil slipped his hand into Ben’s, threading their fingers together and sending a thread of excitement through Ben.

“Is this okay?” Wil asked, lifting their hands.

“More than okay,” Ben said to him, and allowed himself to be led along the path.

“I thought we could have lunch over by the formal gardens. There are some sheltered spots that are perfect for a Sunday picnic.”

Ben nodded his agreement, and they took their time, meandering across the quad and then further into the grounds towards the formal gardens that were designed and maintained by the horticultural and landscape design students. Wyndham University was known for having a wide and varied liberal arts curriculum and was proud of its award-winning grounds.

“Why did you choose to come to Wyndham?” Ben asked Wil as they followed the crushed gravel path towards the far side of the gardens.

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