Page 14 of Kiss Me Quick!

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“Originally, I was going to major in music, and there’s a great musical program here, but then the summer before I started, I… ah… had a couple of life-changing experiences, and I found I wanted to do a more business-focused degree, which thankfully, Wyndham offers.”

“Sounds like there’s a story there,” Ben hinted but didn’t press further when Wil gave him a tight smile.

“There is, and I’ll tell you more over lunch.”

“Wil, you don’t have to share stuff you’re not comfortable with if you don’t want to.”

“Nah. I actually have a proposition for you, but you need to have some background before you decide whether to accept it.”

“Well then, Mr. Man-of-Mystery, let’s find a place to sit and you can proposition me all you want.”

Wil threw back his head and laughed at Ben’s teasing. “Oh, Seth is going to love you,” was all he said, and Ben wondered who he was talking about.

They reached the gardens and weaved their way past neatly trimmed box hedges and raised flower beds that were showing early spring growth.

“How about over here?” Wil asked, leading them to a small rise next to a fishpond that had a bubbling fountain in the center.

“Perfect,” Ben agreed and helped Wil spread out the large plaid blanket he’d brought for them to sit on.

As they got settled, Wil pulled several containers from the cooler bag.

“We’ve got grilled chicken, a potato salad, and a coleslaw salad.”

“Did you make all this?” Ben asked as he popped open the lids. He took an appreciative sniff of the chicken. “This smells divine.”

“Yeah, I made the salads and grilled the chicken, but I cheated and got red velvet cupcakes from Eta’s. I can cook, but I’m not a great baker.”

“Eta’s baking doesn’t count as cheating. My mother is one of the best cooks and bakers I know, and it doesn’t hold a candle to what Eta produces, so don’t feel bad for buying dessert.”

“And I got a couple of bottles of soda, water, or juice, so take your pick.”

Ben snagged a bottle of water, along with a plate and cutlery and helped himself to the chicken and salad. They ate in companionable silence for a few moments, before Wil laid down his plate and took a drink of water.

“I know we’ve only known each other a week, and that this is technically our first date, and I’ve really enjoyed messaging and talking to you in between exams,” Wil said. “I know this sounds really fast, but I feel a connection between us. A connection I’d like to explore more.”

Ben put down his now empty plate and reached over to take Wil’s hand. “I feel it too,” he admitted. “I, ah, told my parents about you this morning when I was talking to them, and my mom told me I should trust my instincts, and, if it feels right, to go with it.”

Some tension eased out of Wil’s shoulders, and he smiled at Ben. “And does it feel right?”

“It does. I’d like to get to know you better, too.”

Ben dropped his gaze, uncertain if he should voice the question bouncing around his brain. A gentle finger tipped his chin up.

“Hey. What’s up? Did I say something wrong?”

“No! Definitely not.” Ben bit his lip and then took a breath. “Do you… I mean….” He paused, and then said in a rush, “Is it too soon to call you my boyfriend, even though this is technically our first date?”

Wil leaned over, and Ben met him halfway, their mouths meeting in a gentle kiss.

When they broke apart, Wil smiled at him. “No. I’d love to call you my boyfriend, but….” his voice trailed off, and now Ben was even more nervous.

“Wil, what’s wrong? If you don’t want to put a label on anything yet, I’m good with that.”

“Do you have plans for spring break?”

Ben frowned at the odd change in subject. “No. I’m not going home. I’m staying here to work on the next stage of my art piece.”

“Would you like to come to LA with me?” Wil asked.

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