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I glare at him as he steeples his fingers and leans forward as if I’m going to reveal my deepest, darkest secrets to him.

“They weren’t major mistakes. My workload has been heavy. We need more editors, and anyway, the proofers would have caught what I missed.”

“So your excuse is that you have a lot of work to do? You should consider that you spend quite a bit of time gossiping with office mate. You get paid to work, not spend time on the latest garbage going on in the media.”

I can’t believe he’s chastising me. Nicky is one to talk since he spends a lot of time on the internet. I had lunch with Pedro from the tech department last week, and he told me that Nicky just loves to frequent sites like “Just Jared.” What a hypocrite.

“And I am working. My productivity is up.”

“But it wouldn’t be if you spent a little more time carefully reading each manuscript. I’d rather you scale back your speed, stop talking so much and polish your editing.”

I’m so angry that I want to tear him to shreds, but he is my boss, and I need this job. Nathaniel makes enough to support the apartment, and he’s been after me to find another job, but I can’t ask him to do that. I’m going to have to swallow my tongue and kiss Nicky’s ass so I can go back to my desk and lick my wounds.

“I promise to make changes.”


“Stop gossiping.”

“Thank you. I expect your work to be top-notch again by next week. You’re dismissed.”

He sits there staring at me, his fingers still steepled as I get up and leave his office. I can feel how hot my face is from the flush that has crept in. I plop down in my chair, and Angelica looks up from her work.

“What did ass face want this time?”

“To tell me that I gossip too much with you, and my work is sub-par.”

“Are you fucking kidding me? You’re one of the hardest working editors in this place.”

“He’ll never give me the recognition I deserve. Obviously, he has a problem with me.”

“Everyone in this place gossips, but he chose to single you out?”

“I know. Tonight I am definitely going to need some drinks.”

“I can’t wait to go. I heard this club is awesome. It’s nice to know people.”

“It sure is.”

For the rest of the day, I keep my head down and my mouth shut, even working at my desk during lunch. Nicky walks by, and I see a stupid smirk on his face. I’d love to slap it off. By five, I’m more than ready to get out of here for the weekend. I tell Angelica that I’ll meet her at Haze by 10:30 PM. She’s going to sleep at my apartment, after which is something we’ve done often.

I walk to the subway and take the train home, walking the four blocks to my apartment. Nathaniel is lounging around in his underwear and nothing else. His hair is flat, and I know that means I’ll be working on it before he leaves for the club.

“Hey, baby girl. How was work?”

“It sucked. Fucking Nicky gave me a hard time.”

“Why don’t you just let me have a crack at him? I’ll put him in his place.”

“And get me fired. I need this job.”

“I told you I could handle the rent for a little while. My schedule is so packed for the summer that the money is just going to roll in. My manager has been talking about a tour through Europe in the summer.”

“That means you won’t be here.”

“I know baby girl, but that doesn’t mean I won’t be back. I’ve gone on tour before.”

“Yeah, but only for a few weeks. This sounds like a longer tour.”

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