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I knew Nathaniel would eventually be moving on from being my roommate. His star was on the rise for the last two years. He is making more than enough money to live in a nicer apartment and not have a roommate, but he chose to stay with me.

He rose from the couch and pulled me against him. I buried my nose in his bare chest. Nathaniel’s scent comforted me, a mix of cologne and soap. I had met him three and a half years ago at a club. He was on a break from the DJ deck, and some guys were bothering me. He pretended to be my boyfriend and told them if they didn’t leave me alone, he would fix the problem. I’d been friends with him ever since. It was a bonus that he was sexy and handsome.

“I’ll always take care of you. If you ever need me, you just call.”

I would never do that because he needed to work. He grew up in a trailer park in Florida and worked his way north when he was seventeen. His parents were a couple of drunks, and his only brother was in jail somewhere for petty crimes. He never wanted to look back.

I grew up just the opposite. My parents were stable, and both had decent jobs to provide Lexi, Megan, and me an upper-middle-class lifestyle. We always went on summer vacations and never had to want for anything. Nathaniel didn’t have that stability growing up, and I would never expect him to drop his ability to earn for me. Not when I had a loving, supportive family.

“I love you, Nate.”

“I love you too, baby girl.”

I spy a bra on the floor by the kitchen island, “Did you have a guest last night?”

Nathaniel looks at me sheepishly. “Actually, two.”

“How can you have so much sex?”

“How can you have so little sex? I would be crazy with lust by now.”

“I try not to think about it. I’ve had guys ask me, but I don’t want that.”

“Just once to prime the pumps. How long has it been?”

“Three years.”

“Three years! I can’t fathom. You need to get laid, girl.”

“Maybe this summer will be when I find him.”

“Find who?”

“My prince charming. My one.”

“Sweetheart, if you’re waiting for your prince, you’re going to wait a long time. I’m not saying he’s not out there, but you know the saying about kissing frogs.”

“I’d just like to find one frog.”

“And I’m saying just screw one of them to get back in practice. Not all guys are like that shithead Leo or Ricky. Neither one of them deserved you. I hope Ricky is fat and balding. Who does that to a girlfriend? Dumps them after prom.”

Unfortunately, Ricky was not fat and balding. He was still hot and owned a car dealership in New Jersey. Of course, his father gave it to him, but he was a business owner at the ripe old age of twenty-five. I didn’t want to go home in case I ran into him and had to smile while I told him about my boring life in Manhattan.

“Ricky did, and I’m sure he’s had plenty of women after me.”

“Then you should do the same.”

Nathaniel grabs me by the shoulders and walks me to the foyer, where we have a mirror above a small table.

“Tell me what you see?”

“Some gorgeous guy holding me by the shoulders.”

“What do you see in yourself?”

“Nathaniel, I hate when you ask me these questions.”

“You know what I see? A beautiful person with a smoking hot body who’s wasting her life. You have so much to offer and not just the outside package. You just need to put yourself out there and not always wonder that someone is out to hurt you. Not all guys are like that. Not all of them want to fuck you and leave.”

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