Page 116 of Overwhelmed By Love

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JC calls from the lobby, telling us that he’s parked out front and will be up to help with the kids. I take my nephew Johnny by the hand and grab my duffel bag to head downstairs.

It takes fifteen minutes to get the children strapped into their car seats and the car packed. Lexi sits between Johnny and Arabella while I sit in the front passenger seat next to JC. I’m nervous about seeing my parents. I have so much to tell them. My promise of calling them each week has fallen to the wayside, and it’s been a while since we connected.

I don’t realize I’m picking at my nails until JC tells me. It’s only us two awake in the SUV since the children and my sister have fallen asleep.

“Emma, why are you so nervous?”

“You know my parents. They’re going to grill me about stuff.”

“Then be upfront and honest. Don’t hold back.”

“JC, they’re going to want to know about Jordan, and I don’t know a lot.”

“You know plenty. Just tell them what you know.”

I glance back at my sister. She’s still fast asleep, “JC, can I ask you a question?”

“Sure, anything.”

“How did you know it was right with Lexi?”

“From the moment I saw her in high school. I made her mine in college, and I fucked it up. We had to wait until I realized what a fool I had been. It was almost too late. Noah did me a huge favor.”

“Jordan loves me, but I just don’t know. We’re so different. He’s got it all, and I’m just finding myself.”

“No one has it all. There is always something missing. Sometimes it takes a lifetime to find it. Why are you afraid to be with him?”

“Ricky. I gave him everything, and he dumped me. It hurt, and sometimes, it still hurts. He made me doubt myself. What did I do that he didn’t want me?”

“Ricky was a dumb kid that had no clue what he wanted. I bet if you see him now, he’ll kick himself for breaking up with you.”

That was what I was afraid of. We were heading towards the hometown that I grew up in. Ricky still lived there, and I wouldn’t know what to say to him if we met. I didn’t need him stepping into my life and telling me how much he missed me when I was conflicted about Jordan.

“I don’t want to see him. He had his chance.”

“Emma, it’s only a couple of days. We’re leaving tomorrow night right after fireworks. I doubt you’ll see him.”

I look out the window until we pull into my parent’s driveway. The large colonial still looks the same except for a few transplanted purple Hydrangeas in the front. My mother bursts from the front door to meet us with my father close behind.

“Oh, Emma, I’m so glad you could make it. We haven’t seen you for months.”

“I know, mom. I’m sorry I haven’t visited sooner.”

We unpack everything from the SUV and head into the house. I’m sleeping in my old bedroom. It hasn’t changed since I left a couple of years ago. The walls are still peach, and the cream carpet and bedspread are still the same. The bulletin board that I pinned up numerous pictures of friends on outings remains. It’s like I’ve stepped into the past, except a lot has changed in my life, especially in the last month.

I join my family on the patio, and my parents grill me about my life. I tell them about Nathaniel and London. We chat about that for a while; then, they focus on my love life. It seems Megan has mentioned Jordan.

“Who is this new man in your life? Is it serious?”

“His name is Jordan Grayson. He’s a businessman.”

JC, who is sitting next to me, snorts and gives me a wide smirk.

“Something you’d like to add, JC,” my father says.

“She’s modest about Jordan. The man owns quite a few companies. He’s pretty wealthy.”

I shoot daggers at him, “Jordan is quite well off, but that isn’t a factor for me. He treats me well, and we get along great.”

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