Page 115 of Overwhelmed By Love

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“Nice to see you. You’ve been avoiding us.”

“Not at all. I’ve just been busy with work and other stuff.”


“Yes, he and Nate are home. He had a hard time; his nightmares came back.”

“Emma, when are you going to tell mom and dad that he isn’t gay?”

“Never. They’ll have a fit.”

“They’re a little more progressive now that Megan broke them in with having CJ out of wedlock and living with her fiancée, Chase.”

“But they expect me to be perfect.”

“No one is perfect. Have you told them about Jordan?”

“No. Mom would nag me about bringing him around. I’m not sure if Jordan wants to do that just yet.”

“How long have you two been together?”

“Just over a month. Things are moving fast.”

“He wants you to move in with him?”

“He asked me to marry him?”

Lexi’s mouth drops open, “When?”

“This past weekend.”

“And you said what?”

“No, of course. I barely know him. He loves me.”

“Do you love him?”

“Yes, but it’s more complicated than that. He’s rich and has some fame. He dated Natalie Salas and a few other Hollywood notables. How do I stack up against that?”

“You don’t. You’re you, and they’re them. Jordan obviously doesn’t expect you to be famous. He seems like a straight shooter to me. I like him.”

I valued Lexi’s opinion. My entire life she had been protecting me, making sure I made the right decisions and learning from her mistakes.

“I like him too. But I’m not sure he’s the right person for me. He left me for hours last weekend to work on a problem in his office. I don’t want to do that, and I know his life is busy. Jordan is building an empire, and I’ll just get in the way.”

“Emma, why do you think so little of yourself. You’re gorgeous, intelligent, and caring. Any man, no matter how much money he has, would be thrilled to have you on his arm.”

“That’s another thing that worries me. Am I just arm candy?”

“You’re impossible. Have you discussed this with him?”

“Yes, and it almost turned into a major argument. He got angry that I would think of myself that way.”

“And I agree. Have confidence and know that you’re more than worth it.”

Our conversation is ended when my niece, Arabella, starts to cry.

“This one didn’t nap today, so she’s cranky. I hope she sleeps in the car, or she’s going to be impossible.”

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