Page 88 of When We Were Us

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Oliver's brow furrowed in mock indignation. "Says who? I'll be a fantastic father. I can't wait to take my boy to the park and baseball games."

"Who said it's going to be a boy?" I challenged, raising an eyebrow.

"Boy, girl, I don't care," he backpedaled, but I could see the truth in his eyes.

"You want a son, don't you?" I pressed gently.

Oliver's expression softened. "I'll admit I do, but I want him to have his mother's beautiful hair and eyes."

My heart swelled at the image. "No way. Maybe my hair, but I want him to have his Daddy's eyes."

"A nice compromise," Oliver chuckled. "Either way, he'll be a good-looking boy."

I leaned in, suddenly serious. "As long as he's a nice boy and treats people well."

Oliver's hand found mine under the water, squeezing gently. "With a mama like you, how can he not?"

The tenderness in his voice made me melt, but I couldn't resist one last tease. "Are you just trying to butter me up so you can get in my pants?"

In response, Oliver's free hand slid between my legs, his fingers finding that sensitive spot. A jolt of pleasure shot through me as he began to rub gently.

"You're not wearing pants, Mrs. Fox," he murmured, his voice husky with desire.

He chuckled before he gave me a fast orgasm and we got out of the tub to spend a good chunk of Saturday in bed. If I wasn’t pregnant before, there was a very good chance that I was after we got finished.

“Mrs. Fox?”

I looked up at the young brunette nurse as she called my name. I’d been sitting in my gynecologist’s office for the last half hour amid women with protruding bellies or little ones playing with the stuffed animals and blocks in the corner of the stark white waiting room.

Unbeknownst to my husband, I took a pregnancy test a few days after our Saturday in bed. I was indeed pregnant, but I wanted confirmation from the doctor before I told Oliver. I made an appointment with Dr. Gwen Stein a few days before Christmas and told Oliver I was having lunch with Sadie.

He didn’t question because he was involved in a negotiation with Haruto Ito for more steel. My husband was pissed off that Ito gave me a hard time even though his company Ito Steel Works needed the cash flow. Over the years, Oliver had given him plenty of business. I left him to battle it out as he sat in our office and conducted his call in Japanese. I was happy to pass the headache to him.

I stood up from where I was sitting, careful not to knock over the little girl of about a year old who had toddled toward me. She was adorable with pigtails, a small, upturned nose and big brown eyes. I followed the nurse into an exam room and let her take my weight then hopped up on the gray exam table so she could register my vitals and wait for my exam.

“Congratulations, you’re pregnant. Based on what you told me, probably no more than two to three weeks. You should make an appointment in a few weeks so we can give you an ultrasound.”

I smiled widely, it was a few days before Christmas, and I planned to keep this information to myself until Christmas Eve when I would tell Oliver. We had plans to spend the holiday with my parents. I was in much better spirits than I had been before the Thanksgiving holiday. Our lives were finally back on track.

When I walked into the house, I heard Oliver talking on the phone with someone and it turned out to be Finley. I peeked in the door, and he frowned at me then looked away. I wondered what that was about, but it would have to wait until he got off with my brother. I was making a cup of decaffeinated tea when he came into the kitchen.

"Ryleigh, where were you today?" Oliver's voice cut through the air as I stepped into the room.

"With Sadie. We had lunch," I replied, trying to keep my tone casual.

"Funny, because that’s not what Finley said. He mentioned Sadie is home with Teagan, who has a cold. Where were you?" His tone grew harsher, the creases on his forehead deepening.

"Oliver, what are you implying?" I asked, my patience thinning.

"I’m not implying, I’m stating. You lied to me. Now, where were you?" His eyes bored into mine, unyielding.

"Out. You don’t need to know the details."

"That’s your first lie. Want to go for two?" His voice was a dangerous growl.

"Why are you getting so upset?" I shot back, feeling my blood boil.

"Because you told me you were going to lunch, and that wasn’t the case. Now, where were you?"

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